Appeal against False statements
Also, what is the process & procedure? At what stages can these be applied? more
2. Sec.191 to 199 with Fabricating False Evidence. If the Fabricated False evidence fall under requisite proofs that influence punishment , will be recognized by Courts as tenable . Again, both issues depend on the volume of the punishment one get if proved correct . more
Good question, I think that there are separate clauses for government officers & public servants also. more
I will be the complainant for a civil case. However the case has only begun. more
This should be irrespective of whether one is a defendant or a complainant as the police may testify for or against either party.
in 498 and DVC cases, police file wrong reports in courts, without doing any investigation. more
ROOT : Next to life, man cares most for his reputation. Sometimes we find an individual giving it the foremost place, preferring death rather than living a life of ignominy and disgrace. [The Suicides of loved one due to failed Marriage ; Suicide of Lower when neglected , Suicide when one is taken to task by Teacher or , hurt in the Association also are examples of Self-respect, prestige, honour which are the bases OF REPUTATION.]
1.Civil Procedure Code Rules 6 A to 6 G allow and recognize Counter claim by Defendant .
2. Rule 21 Order XI on Non-compliance with order “ if Party fails to production of documents etc., will lose defence of his case in case of substantial or serious prejudice” .
3. Rule 1 to 3 Order 19 mandates Affidavit. The court may order that any fact may be proved by affidavit. Issues ‘ Attachment before judgment, interim injunction, appointment of receiver, etc., can be decided on affidavits ‘ . “ The client should be told to swear only to what he knows to be true. What he believes to be true should be mentioned separately “ . Order 19, Rule 1 empowers the court to make an order that any particular fact may be proved by affidavits and Affidavit contents , verbal arguments at chief and cross stands AS THE LEGALLY legitimate and wilful averments , alleges AND HENCE ANY WRONG , CREATED , FAKE EVIDENCES STAGED IN THE AFFIDAVITS ETC., ARE punishable .
4. Section 35-B is added by the Amendment Act of 1976. It is inserted to put check upon the delaying tactics of the litigating parties. It empowers the court to impose compensatory costs on the parties who are responsible for causing delay at any stage of the litigation and such costs would be irrespective of the ultimate outcome of the litigation.
This mandate of costs for causing delay by the plaintiff as well as defendent in delaying the case with absence, adjournment with any pretext/reason including the issue of proofs .
ALL THE 4 ARE THE MEASURES SET FOR THOSE INCURRING Loss of Time ; Money ; and, Reputation irrespective of being victims/winners of the case AND, CAN BE CONSTRUED TO BE COMPENSATED WITH COSTS TOO .
B. IPC Section 191, 192, 195 and 199 deal with Fabricating False evidence by any party. FALSE SWEARING EVEN IN SUPPORT OF A JUST CLAIM IS PUNISHABLE UNDER THESE SECTIONS .
As I already clarified in my 1st Suggestion of 11th instant, these issues depend on different Cases of different volume of LOSS , different issues of damaging Reputation including malafied intentions to defame, lower the Self-respect, Honour in the Associated Profession, Status including Reputation in the Society. more
Could you please mention the clauses or the rules such as CrPC or IPC or any other sections? more