Best time to exercise per science

Morning workouts have an edge

Working out in the morning — especially on an empty stomach — is the best way to burn stored fat, making it ideal for weight loss. That’s largely because the body’s hormonal composition in the morning is set up to support that goal.

“In the early morning hours, you have a hormonal profile that would predispose you to better metabolism of fat,” People naturally have elevated levels of cortisol and growth hormone in the morning—both of which are involved in metabolism—so you’ll “draw more of your energy from your fat reserves,” That can potentially help with weight loss. Research also suggests that morning exercisers may have less of an appetite throughout the day, which could also help protect them from putting on pounds.

Even if you hate early alarms, working out first thing in the morning can quickly become second nature. A study published in 2019 in the Journal of Physiology found that exercising at 7 a.m. may shift your body clock earlier, meaning you’ll feel more alert in the morning and get tired earlier in the evening, potentially priming you to get enough rest to wake up and do the same thing the next day. Some research even suggests that it’s easier to stick to healthy habits completed in the morning.

A morning sweat may also lead to better mental health and productivity throughout the day, since exercise is great for reducing stress.

So everyone in this circle - do your Yoga in the am. more  

View all 8 comments Below 8 comments
Valuble information . more  
As a patient of diabetes I feel it is risky to go for morning walk empty stomach. I therefore prefer to eat or carry some thing with sugar content before going for a walk to avoid sudden drop of Sugar level in the body. more  
Good to hear that, Morning work before 7 is good for health. more  
Exactly, doing yoga and exercise in morning time is always good. It gives a nice feel8ngs and improve our inner strength. more  
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