Cuts and roughness on lips

My daughter 17 years having problem from many years of rough lips. her lips remain hard with a big cut sometimes bleeds also throughout in all the season all the year. We take following steps but no result.

1. Drink lots of water
2. use oil at stomach / nabhi
3. lip balm
4. desi ghee on lips

Kindly suggest me some useful measures so that her lips can be soften. more  

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Dear sir, Here is method to attack root cause. An old saying. " You are, what you eat". Now just consider, if you consume deep or light fried food like PURIES, TIKKI, GOLGAPPA, and other such products including CHILLIES then obviously consumption of water would increase but other bad effects are too many. The skin dryness must be all around the body even heals must have been effected . Now the remedy lies in living on simple diet i.e. raw vegetables and ripe fruits. Let her eat Salad dressed with light lemon and least salt one hour to 45 minutes before super. No water with or after salad or super. Uncooked before the cooked food. The changes expected - Soft lips, heals, sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks endless energy. If Yog is added then the results would be faster and lasting. Pl note I have not prescribed any medicine. I wish all the best . Er. R.K.Dogra 9417344577. more  
Let her take a good B complex daily. more  
Hi Anuradha Your daughter 's case needs to be evaluated by expert in terms of her body constitution, diet.,lifestyle and necessary advice taken. Ayurvedic principles recommend different regimens daily and seasonal to different people with various constitutions. This kind of advice will really help your daughter Dr Smita 8451901176 more  
u can use TRIFALA churn for twice a week to control the heat of body. in the night put one tea spoon of trifala churn in a glass ( best a kullhar/sakora or kanch but not a steel or any matel glass) of water and drink the water in the morning (SUBHA UTHTE HI). more  
Practice Pranayama as suggested byJAGANATH N V. Apply Aloe Vera Gel on lips three times during the day and also prior to sleep at night. more  
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