Dengue: Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

What Is Dengue Fever?
Dengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of female Aedes Aegypti mosquito. There are four serotypes of dengue virus.  Infection with anyone confers lifelong immunity from that particular strain but only partial protection against others. At present type 1 and type 2 strains are widespread in India.

How Does It Spread?

Dengue is spread by Aedes Aegypti mosquito that breeds in stagnant water. This mosquito can be identified by black and white markings over it’s body. Usually, it bites on the legs and arms and during day time.

What Are The Symptoms?

Dengue is commonly associated with high fever usually with chills, headaches, muscle aches and joint pains. The fever usually decreases around 3rd to 7th day of illness, which is followed by marked fatigue for days to weeks. In some cases, nausea ,vomiting and a rash can also occur.

What Is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever?

In rare cases, a more severe life threatening disease called dengue hemorrhagic fever can also occur which results in bleeding, blood plasma leakage and rarely dengue shock syndrome.The World Health Organization has laid down criteria for diagnosis of dengue hemorrhagic fever. They are:Low platelet count (<1 lac), Fever 2 to 7 days, Hemorrhagic manifestations with positive tourniquet test.

What Are The Various Tests Available To Diagnose Dengue?

The diagnosis is usually established when there is sudden high fever accompanied by severe body, muscle or joint pain. In the lab, it can be established by the following methods:

1 .  Antibody Detection And Serology:  Dengue IgM and IgG antibody tests are usually done by ELISA. This test is usually positive after 5 to 7 days of illness. If this test is negative before 7 days, a repeat sample is taken from the recovery phase to confirm the diagnosis.You can get these tests done here

2 . Dengue Virus Isolation: It is the definitive test for dengue infection. It is useful only in early phase when blood is collected before day 5 of illness. But, the disadvantage is that it is expensive and time consuming and has a poor yield as compared to the molecular tests.

3 . Non Structural Protein (NS 1 ) Antigen Or Dengue Antigen – High concentration of NS1 antigen is found in the blood of dengue infected patients in the early phase. The sensitivity drops from day 4 to 5 of illness and usually becomes undetectable in the recovery phase.You can book this test here

4 . PCR: It helps in the early diagnosis of dengue infection (< 5 days of illness). Sensitivity is 100% in the first five days of illness but this test is also expensive and time consuming.

5 . Torniquet Test : A tourniquet is tied to the arm and if blood blotches appear beyond the tourniquet, the patient might be suffering from increased bleeding which may indicate dengue hemorrhagic fever.

6 . Blood Counts: A decreased platelet count may also occur in dengue fever ( normal level is between 1.5 to 4 lacs). Therefore, platelet count should be monitored carefully and regularly especially when the fever comes down.An increased hematocrit i,e. The volume percentage of red blood cells can also occur in some cases by approximately 20%. You can get your platelet count test done here

How Is Dengue Treated?

There is no specific treatment. The fever can be treated with antipyretic drugs like paracetamol to bring the temperature down and also to relieve body aches. Drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided as they may increase the risk of hemorrhage. Few home remedies like papaya leaves and kiwi are also quite popular in treatment of dengue fever as they have been known to increase the platelet count. Patients should drink lots of fluids as dehydration is a common symptom in dengue.

Is There Any Vaccine Against Dengue?

The world’s first dengue vaccine won clearance in Mexico in December 2015.The vaccine has been approved for patients aged 9-45 years and can thwart all four subtypes of the dengue virus. The vaccine has an efficacy of 60% more  

View all 24 comments Below 24 comments
Any Fever first treat the Patient with Nilavembu Kudineer. It takes 3-7 Days for the Infection to be recognised thro a blood test.If it is dengu it can weaken the patient badly. more  
pls call me or send message to 9986466692 mail i have good medicine which doesn't have side effect. if you consume continuously any diseases will get cure. more  
Prevention is always netter than cure. Govt. must ensure that mosquitoes are eradicated. more  
I had the attack last week with symptoms as described above. Now fever is gone and I am able to work but joints pain is still there in feet. I treated myself with Ayurvedic medicines such a Giloy Ghanavati, Chanderprabhavati, Rasnadivati etc. I feel it has worked. 2. I would still try to use Papayya Leaf extract. Pse intimate me address to get. more  
Thanks for giving very good tips for safegaurding oneself from Dengue. But, there are few which need to be cleared understanding the full perspective of your very nice write-up. I give below these points: 1. Under ser. no.9 you have stated that "You can get your platelet count test done here", but it is not clear what does "here" indicate? 2.Similarly the statement under ser. no.3 "You can book this test here" 3. Under the question "Is There Any Vaccine Against Dengue? -no name of the medicine is mentioned. It would be really nice answers to these could be provided. more  
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