Diabetes - which treatment line to choose?

Hi all,

I need help for family member who has a tendency to have higher sugar levels and has a sweet tooth (which has now stopped for quite some time).

The sugar levels of the patient (aged 45 years) are about 180 after 2 hrs and 120 after 4 hrs. Fasting in the morning is 140. Till now he has been managing through exercise (walking about 5-8 km), taking natural supplements like amla, aloe vera, vinegar, giloy and methi (all at different times of the day). The patient is not overweight, doesn't drink, smoke or eat non-veg and eats less of fried food. The diabetes is largely genetic (running in family).

We now feel that he should start with some treatment. We first thought of Ayurveda but reports of IME-9 on Internet have been very discouraging.

There are no inputs about Homeopathy whether it helps or just placebo.

So I solicit your help to decide if we should: -

(a) Continue with natural therapy only and increase exercise or add any other natural supplement.

(b) Start with Ayurveda treatment.

(c) Start with Homeopathy for long term treatment.

(d) Forget making efforts and straightaway opt for allopathic medicine.

Any other advice also will be most welcome.

Hope we can get some informed/experienced advice on this forum which can help reverse or at least better manage the condition/diabetes.

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Statistics presented here is seem to be under control. He should continue with treatment followed by him till now, only thing to include is Suryanamaskar, it will help him immensely. more  
generated by Sri Vishal Vats. I can very clearly say that Allopathic recommendations would not give the needed result. In spite of following on the recommendations of the doctor taking prescribed drugs, my question is, why r people getting shifted from lower dose to higher to insulin pricks to being in a situation of kidney failure, heart attack, blindness, losing toes - limbs? I'm sure a product is needed to use, be it Ayurveda or Homeopathy that can help in nornalising the sugar level. I'm not sure if what's in Allopathic recommendation, a product or anything that falls through some divine power? I also believe that Diet would play a key role. Ha, Diabetes is not a disease, but a Degenerative Disorder. more  
In response to the thankful reaction or further impetus more  
Ms Sangeeta. I am interested in diabetic kriya. Please send me details on e mail sanjiv1093@rediffmail.com I am diabetic since 13 years. Regards. more  
Thanks for all the responses. I have got advices about lifestyle change, starting some treatment, home remedies, ayurveda etc. Some people have also contacted recommending their product or line of treatment. However, my basic question still remains unanswered? Does Homeopathy have treatment (or management) of diabetes? Can some individual who has experienced it first hand answer or any homeopathy doctor can answer without personal bias. Does Ayurveda have treatment (or management) of diabetes? Can some individual who has experienced it first hand answer or any Ayurveda doctor can answer without personal bias. Will it lead to some significant benefit or only play havoc with body system? Else as I see it now, Allopathy remains the only answer even if its not treatment but only managing of numbers. Rgds more  
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