Fog Advisory

Foggy days may be expected ahead. It is advised that motorists observe certain precautions to avoid accidents and related injuries. Motorists are advised to take following measures to avoid mishaps due to fog:-

DOs :
1. Before you drive -- and during your trip – check weather forecasts.
2. If there is a fog warning, delay your trip until it clears.
3. If you are caught driving in fog, follow these safe-driving tips.
4. Slow down gradually and drive at a speed that suits the conditions.
5. Make sure the full lighting system of your vehicle is turned on.
6. Use your low –beam headlights, High beams reflect off the moisture droplets in the fog, making it harder to see.
7. If you have fog lights on your vehicle, use them, in addition to your low-beams.
8. Be patient, Avoid passing, changing lanes and crossing traffic.
9. Use pavement marking to help guide you. Use the right edge of the road as a guide, rather than the centre line.
10. Increase your following distance. You will need extra distance to brake safely
11. Look and listen for any hazard that may be ahead.
12. Reduce the distractions in your vehicle. For example, turn off your cell phones and music your full attention is required.
13. Watch for any electronically operated warning signs.
14. Keep looking ahead as far as possible.
15. Keep your windows and mirrors clean. Use your defroster and wipers to maximize your vision.
16. If the fog is too dense to continue, pull completely off the road and try to position your vehicle in a safe parking area. Turn on your emergency flashers, in addition to keeping on your low-beam headlights.

DON’Ts :
1. Don’t stop on the travelled portion of the road. You could become the first link in a chain-reaction collision.
2. Don’t speed up suddenly, even if the fog seems to be clearing. You could find yourself suddenly back in fog.
3. Don’t speed up to pass a vehicle moving slowly or to get away from a vehicle that is following too closely.
4. Do not overdrive your headlights.

(Alok Kumar)
Joint Commissioner of Police
Traffic (HQ), New Delhi. more  

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To keep in mind today more  
Of Govt. institutions and personnel, only Police (Delhi Police and Traffic Police quite visible to the public) and MCD (the three divisions) are doing good. And, their work culture and people's trust in them have improved a lot in previous four years all along. The Delhi Govt. is doing nothing good except for short-term benefits to lure the public, like concessions in electricity bill and water bill. It is mandatory to get a birth certificate for newly born baby strictly without mentioning her/his name on the birth certificate so procured. Even if you have thought of and resolved to a name for your lovely family member and friend, those issuing the birth certificate won't print the name on the certificate so as to ensure the issue of another (at least one) birth certificate and earnings to them. This practice also provides for the allowance and possibility for your baby's religion (as they say)/communal beliefs to be altered and she/he demanding to put her/his so chosen name (portraying her/his newer belief system) in on her/his newer birth certificate. The Govt. personnel say while issuing the anonymous birth certificate to you, "You have 15 years hence to think upon and decide the name of this child; you may get a second birth certificate any time all though this time window." The other side Delhi Govt. is washing the brains of little children by ruling over the education system and running it the Macaulay Education System way, introduced by the Britishers to enslave the Indians. more  
thanks to delhi traffic police for valuable suggestions more  
Thank you Delhi Traffic Police. more  
Such advisories are very helpful to the commuters more  
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