Food for Amazing Skin in a week

Malvina Fraser, a celebrity skincare expert, has come up with easy homemade tips and tricks She suggests to follow the routine every day for a week. I am trying, lets see. Details below

Day 1

Morning: Use a warm wash cloth and press it over the face to open up your pores. Exfoliate, rinse and pat dry. Apply a primer to the skin to reduce the appearance of the pores.

Afternoon: Take a couple of minutes to do the 'cheek bone squeeze.' Gently pinch around your cheeks for a couple of minutes to increase blood flow and give a healthy glow.

Evening: Taking half a papaya and blend it. Apply the papaya on a clean face and leave it for 10 minutes. The enzyme action in the papaya hydrates the skin.

Day 2

Morning: When cleansing your skin use an oscillating brush moving it in circular motions over the skin to increase blood flow. Alternatively use a simple body brush and move it around your body in circular motions.

Afternoon: During your lunch break relax the eyes for 15 minutes by popping on an eye mask. This will give them a much needed break. Relax with some soft music on your iPod for a couple of minutes of tranquillity.

Evening: Relax in the bath tonight by adding in some Epsom salts. Add one and a half cup into your bath to get your circulation flowing. Make sure you are well hydrated beforehand.

Day 3

Morning: The Cleopatra or any other milk cleanser is a perfect remedy. Cleopatra was well known for relaxing in her milk baths. Cleanse the face with half milk and half water. Gently rinse off afterwards. The lactic acid in milk brightens the skin.

Afternoon: Mix together one teaspoon of honey and three teaspoons of olive oil in a bowl. This makes a great hand moisturizer. With the residue left on the hands lightly pat over the face.

Evening: Try this DIY (do-it-yourself) home exfoliate for a brighter complexion. Mix together two tablespoon of salt and the juice from half a lemon. Once the mixture is ready, rub it across the whole face in circular motions and rinse with warm water.

Day 4

Morning: After showering, spray cold water onto your legs for a couple of seconds. If done every day, this is a great way of combating cellulite. If you do this a couple of times a week you will see a real difference.

Afternoon: Do the 'jawline pinch.' Gently pinch along the jawline and up around the jawline towards the hairline. Repeat four times. This will elasticize the skin and increase blood flow to the jowl.

Evening: Revive your skin with a home-made face mask. Mix half of a cucumber and one tablespoon of yogurt together. Apply onto skin for 15 minutes and rinse.

Day 5

Morning: Whilst in the shower use a loofah to brush away the dead skin cells from the body. Always brush upwards towards the heart to get the blood flowing from one side to the other.

Afternoon: If you are at a computer all day your eyes may become very tired. During your lunchtime, place two slices of cucumber over the eyes and rest for 15 minutes. Cucumber contains a substance called beta carotene which acts as an anti-oxidant.

Evening: Cut open half a lemon and sprinkle a small amount of sugar on top. On clean skin rub the lemon straight onto the skin. This will tighten pores and acts as a toner.

Day 6

Morning: Mix together 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and half a tablespoon of sugar. Apply mixture to your face. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse off. This pack helps to remove dead skin cells and brightens your complexion.

Afternoon: Place two tea bags into the fridge and let them cool down for a couple of minutes. Once cooled place them on your eyes and leave for five minutes. The caffeine can help shrink the blood vessels around the eyes and lessen dark circles.

Evening: At the end of the day remove your make-up with Vaseline. For a healthy glow, mix three tablespoons of orange juice and half a cup of warm honey into a bowl. Apply on face and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with water.

Day 7

Morning: While making your morning coffee, pop your eye cream or moisturizer into the fridge. Once it is cool pop on under the eyes and leave for it 10 minutes.

Afternoon: Using your ringer finger gently tap towards the hairline along the eye bag. Repeat six times. This will stimulate the lymph glands.

Evening: Mix a teaspoon of baking soda to your cleanser and apply to the skin. Take off with a cotton pad. Baking soda acts as a great brightening tool for the skin.

Do share if this works for you! more  

View all 9 comments Below 9 comments
Thanks for the nice post more  
Thank you, I will definitely try and let you if this works. more  
Thank you Neelima for the wornderful share and Thank you Prof Kantharaj for your post too. more  
Thanks for the suggestion/ post. Very good and useful. more  
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