For all the advocates of Sterlite

There will be always be a for and against in a discussion. No this is not about going for a discussion. But how much we know. Sterlite:
From where the copper ore is coming from.?
Is the the copper that is been produced is for the local market or it goes elsewhere?
It is a huge Industrial structure but how many are being employed?
The main natural resource needed is water. how much is needed? Is the location gets water naturally by river or rain, then how much of the rain water goes for enriching the ground water level.
What are bi product how much toxic it is?
Is there a effluent management monitored by the Govt and there is a social audit by qualified NGOs at periodical intervals.
Is the company was producing over the permitted capacity ? The quality of the air?
Let the people be ignorant or really affected, who were protesting for more than 90 days. What efforts the Govt take to connect with the protesters.
Was this a bind firing or target firing? The truth will not come out even by any number of Enq Comm or even by court. Only thing is, terrorists, Maoists, criminals killed are not compensated by the Govt. But though these protesters were branded like wise. But why is this vendetta.?
The NLC will become defunct in another 10 to 20 years, after that can we go for a multiplexes, malls, residential complexes in that area. We don't even know the earlier topography of KGF, Karnataka now abandoned.
What legacy we will leave for the generations to come? Water will become much more scares even in the near future. Then how much safer TN will be? Nature is not in hurry but man is. more  

We need all facts to know exactly where we are. Every vested parties tells few which are in their favour. more  
Mr. Naganathan, the fb link [which is 1/3 ] threw some more light on the subject . It will be good to know the other 2 links also to make us aware of the surrounding dangers . I think it should come out as a resource post , so that it will reach more people who are not aware and and criticize the socially conscious Protesters. more  
Thanks Mr. Rabinranath, for the valuable post that has posed so many valid questions . The questions may have been posed even before , but either suppressed or went unnoticed . During the 99 days protest on and off the silent protesters brought out facts that went to the deaf ears of the authorities but well registered with the public. That is how the protest sustained for such a long time . more  
Mr. Rabindranath, you have raised some valid questions. We will not get answer to any or most of these questions. however, as part of investigative journalism, we can make some intelligent inference. I have done some studies on Sterlite and I have made a three part analysis in my Facebook. One link is given as here: more  
a great eye opener for many silent but intelligent spectators.
Unless the silent intellectual get into the stream the country cannot be saved from the vested interested politicians more  
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