Homage to Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar.....

I think, a homage is due to this great man who took the practical side of Yoga to the world and who passed away on the 6th of August 2014 in Pune at the ripe age of 95 years. May his soul rest in peace!

God's ways are mysterious, indeed. Mr Iyengar is said to have suffered from various illnesses including TB and Typhoid in his childhood and youth. Some inner inspiration made him learn Yoga and before long he was rid of his illnesses and became the Master of this wonderful art of health-maintenance.

His book "Light on Yoga" is world famous like he himself and serves as text book for anyone who associates themselves with Yoga at any stage.

As we hear, innumerable Yoga Centres exist in the world today which were established by this great Yoga Guru.

May his memory continue to inspire the younger generations worldwide! more  

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May his Great Soul rest in peace. more  
Dear Mr. Minocha and all readers: At the end of the day, the Indian Philosphy (Vedanta) of life mixed with yogic exercises and practice of same, all of which lead to self-realisation and the realisation of cosmic pwers within, is the ultimate protector of oneself. Our earthly desires to eat all "good" food, eat and taste outside the house, are the preliminary and initial causes of diseases. Cultured and nurtured over a long period, makes one succumb to demonly desires and humanly wishes. Then the huge accumulation(s), start manifesting, as the age grows - come +40 and matures at ages +50-60. Then comes the philosophy "ab pachtaye hot kya jab chidiya chug gai khet". Added to the above, as if adding salt on the burns, we have multiplicity of "ALLOPATHIC - ALL CHEMICAL MEDICINES & TABLETS", which apparently relive temporarily and only treat a particular problem and does not cure - ALLPOATHY ITSELF SAYS IT ONLY TREATS THE PROBLEMS. These medicines suppress the complaints and chemicals and those other complaints house themselves some other location in the body (system itself), as the problem has not been wished out. Thus these continue to haunt day in and day out. So discussions can keep be on and on as there are bigger experts who do deep research and publish their findings and results etc. As a conclusion, whole world is closing into the Eastern - specially Indian systems, be in life styles, living habits, education, upbringing of children, joint families etc. Unfortunately we Indians are departing and getting "modernized". GOD SAVE US AND OUR SYSTEMS. One thing that I always keep sharing with anyone, known or unknown, is the fact that Indian systems have survived for thousands of years. Whereas, modern science and technological developments get outdated in a matter of a decade and "NEW RESEARCHES & FINDINGS" keep coming up. At the end these systems do not have any shelf-life. Recommendation do and practice yoga to the extent one can - do all pranayams, that results in complete stabilisation of systems via proper functioning of heart, stomach, BP etc. When vital organs do their normal assigned duties, problems are miles away. Mental peace prevails over the body and heart and thus there is complete tranquility and peace. Thus longer survival and peaceful at that. At the end what all we wish, and I would urge everyone to bless all possible people to bless and wish for a peaceful death (a must for all mortals), instead of troubling the body, soul and those that are attending on you - who are more troubled than the one that has to pass off anyway. more  
May his soul RIP. A great man indeed. more  
the best homage we can pay to this great man who is like poetry of yoga, executed in such graceful and aesthetically pleasing tributes of the flexibility of the body yearning for god-realization.His greatness is not the result for greatness, but on the path to natural excellence; only he discovered his path thru the injunction of illness.....such periods of inner revelation comes to us all during illness, but do we take the appropriate learning...well, i, for one, did...i had to be operated for appendicular lump about 3 years back...i had a blood pressure of touching 140 diastolic,liver -based digestive problems (barium meal ordered) and i would not believe it..i had been a great athlete in my younger years and i could not believe i have BP, so the operation kept getting postponed till 6 months till my BP was normal...how did i do it? 1. I activated my love for joy which had got replaced by sadness, fear, insecurity, anxiety in my job..by meeting youth and kids more often and greeting the rickshaw-wallahs on the way..started expressing my hellooss to whomsover i met. 2. Took up playing badminton to give release to my primitive emotions/anger coming out in the form of grunts and groans (like Serena Williams and other athletes). 3. Took solace in listening to music and then gradually singing. 4. Took up dancing which i had left many years ago. 5. Of course, made changes in diet as well, by taking up whole-grain, maize as cereals, fruits, juices and avoiding fried stuff...and my stomach is now my ever loving friend who guides me on what to eat and what not to..by either taking etoeards it or repeling from what is not good for me. more  
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Satya Pal Ratti Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 8:15 PM To: upadhyayasatish@hotmail.com Reply To: Satya Pal Ratti Subject: New post "Homage to Yoga Guru BKS I" in [Exercise and Fitness in Delhi/NCR] more  
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