homeopathy in acute condition

We all have used homeopathy as a cure, and we know from experience that it works. This complementary modality of healing works on the principle of ‘like kills like’. All homeopathic medicines are derived from natural sources and are then diluted and ‘potentized’ to make them safe.

Here are a few common ailments that respond very well to homoeopathic medicines:

Common Cold- Allium Cepa (onion) which causes tearing in the eyes and dripping from the nose, is a frequent remedy for common cold and hay fever. It is very effective when there is a watery, and burning nasal discharge from the nose. Oscillococcinum, Bryonia, Belladonna, Arsenicum Album and Aconite are also excellent cures for influenza. Bryonia is especially useful in treating body aches that accompany fever.

Shock and Trauma From Injury- Arnica (mountain daisy) is the best remedy for trauma due to injuries and is an excellent first aid. It also helps to reduce pain and speeds up the healing process.

A Sore Throat- Aconite, Arsenicum Album and Belladonna are very good. Aconite helps during the onset of a sore throat while Belladonna is helpful in curing tonsillitis.

Nerve Problems- Hypericum (St. John's wort) is the first medicine to consider for injuries to the nerves or to parts of the body rich with them, like the back. This medicine is especially good for treating shooting pains.

Psychiatric Ailments- Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean) is most effective in treating acute grief, anxiety, and depression, especially due to loss of a loved one.

Cramps- Magnesia phosphorica (phosphate of magnesia) is the most effective remedy for cramps, including menstrual cramps.

Indigestion- Nux Vomica (poison nut), Aconite, Carbo Veg and Pulsatilla all treat indigestion. Nux Vomica is especially useful in relieving symptoms of flatulence, constipation/diarrhoea and heartburn. Carbo Veg is extremely useful for getting rid of gas after food.

Sprains-Rhus tox (poison ivy) is the medicine of choice for people suffering from sprains and strains. It’s especially useful when the person suffers from more pain when he starts moving after resting. It can also treat symptoms of arthritis and flu.

Remember to take these medicines in the 6th or 30th potency only. If you are suffering from minor pain or discomfort, you should take the medicine 3 times a day but if the discomfort is severe, you can take the medicine every 1 to 3 hours, tapering off later.

If you do not observe at least some improvement even after 24 hours of taking the medicine, it probably is the wrong one. Consider taking another medicine or better still, consult a homoeopathic doctor. It is also best if you treat yourself for non-threatening acute conditions only and go for professional care for chronic conditions. more  

View all 21 comments Below 21 comments
At the outset I must thank Dr Mishra, but suggesting some of the common Disease Medicine in Homeopathy. These medicines works based on other factor also Like What is the time Disease affect worst, when someone feel better. For example Both Broynia and Belladona is good g=for common cold & fever also. But the symptoms of disease if one can diagnosis properly, then it works better with Few precautions. more  
It's very good to know the names of Homoeopathic Medicines by the common people i.e. non doctors. But the usage of medicine not known to them (power, dosage and period of usage etc.) even for acute conditions. Hence it is requested to all Kindly visit a Homoeo Doctor (Service oriented doctors where ever available). Of-course the names of Homoeo Medicines are available in NET also. But it is not good without knowing how to use. Some medicines will work for 45 days or more even one dose. more  
Very good Ready Reference. Thanks more  
I am making a blunt statement. Homeopathic medicines are derived from natural sources and most of them from plant sources mainly of plants growing in India. Homeopathy originated in Geramany (Dr. Honey man). I have seen a homeopathic document describing the uses of many plants widely growing in India. Then how can one believe that the basic knowledge of homeopathy originated in Geramny where most of these plants do not grow. Can I believe that homeopathy originated from the ancient great Indian wisdom of Ayurveda?. I will welcome comments from homeopathy experts/Doctors.Dr. RV NAIR,ICAR-Emeritus Scientist. more  
ZTry Ranunn bulb30 internally and Thuja dincture for external application. It has worked wonders. more  
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