Homeopathy Medicine Disclosure

Most homeopaths dont disclose what they are giving. Can the local circle take up this cause and who so ever is the regulayory body for homeopathy in india make it mandatory for homeopaths to disclose what they are giving.

Consumers should have the right to know. This is the reason for lack of trust in homeopathy. more  

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NOTHING IS SECRET HERE. JUST RING, WRITE OR MEET TO EXPERINCE THE ENERGY EFFECT FROM DISTNACE AFTER GETTING HEALED MAJORITY OF THE ELDERS SIMPLY PASS THEIR TIME WITH BETA, BETI, BAHU AND THIS ONE OR THAT. IF YOU NEED HELP, WRITE CLEARLY HOW YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND YOUR LIFE AHEAD FOR THE BENEFIT OF NEEDY HERE NO INJECTION, PILL, BHASM, ACU NEEDLE ETC ARE REQUIRED. EVEN PRESENCE OF A DIS-EASED IS NOT REQUIRED. GOVT OR ANY AGENCY IS GIVING YOU INFORMATION, IS IT NOT ENOUGH? FIND YOURSELF WHO IS RIGHT OR WRONG. ACCEPT OR REJECT. To help you, we can write how a person is, sensing through AURA. Almost all dis-eases are related to our nature. Depending on degree of pressure, it accumulates toxins in some or other place/ organs in body . These toxins can be removed with the help of energy, learning process for some months. See detail at www.cosmicbeam.in or write to cosmictherapy@gmail.com or write for experiencing the effect of energy from distance at 8 p.m. IST Since ‘KARMA’ plays its role, take your own decision IMP - Be Careful About ‘UVR’ These Days. It's Harmful Effect Is Being Sensed In Majority Of Boys Making Them Unfit. more  
I think transparency would create more confidence in the system. more  
Everybody should know which Doctor and what medicine is giving to us, rather it may be called as cheating to consumers absolutely. more  
There is a solid reason. Homeopathy is a complicated system. One medicine is used in many ailments and for one ailment many madicines are there. It is the symptoms of patient to decide the medicine. Name of the medicine is not disclosed in homeo to avoide the self medication which can be harmfull more  
Homeopath Dr's has to run their house & their charitable activities, If they declare what combinations he is giving with % of different combinations he has given to solve your problems, CAN HE SURVIVE IN TODAYS COMPETITION IN ALL THE FIELD OF WORK? more  
1. It should be made compulsory to write the names of medicines. Self medication risk is always there in any system of medicine.

2. But of late, some Homeopaths are charging in thousands even for consultation and issuing medicine for simple ailments. Neither prescription nor diagnosis report is made available to patients who depend on these doctors for cure.

3. Frequently, Allopathy doctors wrongly attribute use of steroids as reason for success of Homeo medicines in the absence of transparency by some of the Homeopathy doctors.

Hence, transparency is necessary in prescription and Govt. must take action. more  
Transparency is required. more  
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