How do I know if I’m pushing myself too hard while exercising?

How do I know if I’m pushing myself too hard while exercising?

I like really intense exercise, so I expect things to hurt when I’m working out. How do I know if I’m pushing myself too hard?
The expression “no pain, no gain” has misled many an exercise enthusiast. The fact is, pain and other symptoms during exercise are not normal. You should pay attention when your body is sending you warning signs.
Let’s start with what you should expect. At the height of a workout, you should be breathing a little harder. You should still be able to talk, but you shouldn’t be able to sing. You should feel your heart beating faster than normal during exercise. And you may feel your muscles burn a little as they work hard for you.
But certain symptoms during exercise can indicate trouble. What doctors are most worried about is coronary artery disease (CAD). In CAD, atherosclerosis narrows the arteries that supply blood to the heart. When the heart is asked to work harder during exercise, it needs a healthy blood supply most. When the blood supply is reduced, the exercising heart “complains” by causing various symptoms:
• CHEST PAIN. Any chest discomfort that begins after starting exertion is cause for concern. The same thing is true of discomfort in the jaw and shoulders. It’s of particular concern if the discomfort resolves within a minute or two after stopping exertion. These symptoms may indicate that you have CAD.
• SHORTNESS OF BREATH. You should be breathing harder when you exercise. But if you get breathless doing an activity that didn’t bother you a week ago, then something is wrong. CAD can cause new and unusual breathlessness without causing chest discomfort. Various lung problems also can produce breathing difficulty. Probably the most common cause of unusual breathlessness during exercise (particularly in cold weather) is asthma.
• LIGHTHEADEDNESS. CAD can cause irregular heart rhythms that make the exercising heart pump inefficiently. If not enough blood is being pumped to the brain, a person feels lightheaded. CAD can lead to the symptom of lightheadedness even when a person has no chest discomfort or breathlessness. When a patient says he or she is lightheaded, I take it very seriously: If irregular heart rhythms are causing the lightheadedness, those rhythms may also result in the heart ceasing to beat at all: sudden death.
Feeling a little like you might faint can sometimes happen because of dehydration. Drink plenty of water to prevent this from happening. It can also be a side effect of blood-pressure-lowering medication if you feel lightheaded in the 30 to 60 minutes after you exercise.
• JOINT PAIN. Arthritis is a common cause of joint pain. Sometimes, arthritic joint pain improves with exercise. If arthritis has not caused you pain in the past, but now does, you may have injured a tendon, ligament or muscle.
If you experience any of the symptoms I’ve just discussed, stop exercising immediately and call your doctor. You may not need to see your doctor that day, but speak to someone in your doctor’s office who can tell you how quickly you should be seen. more  

If doctors at International Hospital - Max Hospital - do not understand what is hydration - then it is really a bad situation. It seems to me that there is not even a single person on earth who has really tried to understand hydration. The doctors at Max were still busy in pumping more fluids in my father when I changed every thing for my father. more There is absolutely no need to do any exercise. Weight loss and exercise is a business for people. They push anything right or wrong to make money. If anyone feels otherwise please do comment on the above link. We so carelessly talk of hydration and dehydration. Without even trying to understand the meaning of hydration and dehydration. My father (80 year) was being treated in Mx Hospital last year (June 2014). Doctors said that his lungs have failed. There is no way the infection caused due to lung failure can be treated. He had sepsis. As per doctors he was supposed to die in about 15-30 days due to asphyxia. If just managed the fluids and he was alright in 48 hours. I helped my father loose 10 litres of fluid in 48 hours and infection was over. So far immunity is concerned - today at 81 years my father has better immunity then a 20 year old health man. I like to challenge every thing that has been established for a long time. Why a very moderate exercise of 15 second 10 times in a day is more tiring and challenging then 2 hours continuous intense exercise - read at - and please comment. more  
If any pain or fatigue due to exercise continues beyond 24 hrs of exercise there is an over doing. Dr G L Moondra more  
Good points to watch for. In addition, as a thumb rule do not exceed 70% of your capacity while exercising for positive benefits. more  
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