How to activate Thyriod Glands

My wife has Thyriod since last six years and she is using medicine for long. I would like to know is there anyway activate Thyriod glands. Her reports are like this,


TOTAL THYROXINE (T4) C.L.I.A 14.3 μg/dl


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My thyroid cases need harmone etc. in many cases we miss the route cause of the disease. please keenly observe weather patient do had suffered with any mental tention in previous years. try to solve the mental anxiety of patient with care. then prescribe the medicine. case will be solve INSHA ALLAH. homoeopathy do have good remedies to reduce depression anxiety etc. approach homoeo doctor. mean while use NAtrum Mur 1M 1 dose and Ignitia 1M i dose more  
I agree with Mr.Umesh Kumar. Yoga gives acute results in activating thyroid. Exercises of the head and neck (since the gland is near the neck region) helps. Bharadvajasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana are a few to be named. more  
Thyronorm as recommended by doctors and accupressure of thumb area with rotation more  
Please refer to a very useful, simple and easy yoga and mudras for thyroid problems by Mr. Parthasarthy MA on Following few yoga asanas, exercises of head & neck & pranayama will also be very helpful. 1. Yoga Asanas: Sarvang Asasa, Urdha Asana, Viprit Karni, Bhujanja Asana, Dhanur Asana, Ardha Matsendra Asana, Singha Asana 2. Exercises of neck by head ans palms: Bending head front on chest and back, bending head towards shoulders, rotating head towards back on both sides, giving pressure on both sides of head by palms and giving resistance to same by head, doing the previous practice by both palms on forehead and back of head, doing the same practice by both palms on back of neck, Lifting up the head both palms. Forward bending prohibited for people suffering from cervical spondolitis, high blood pressure, heart problems etc. 3. Pranayama: Chanting of OM in also the following manner Sit in sukhasana or lotus pose with back and had in straight vertical easy posture, Keep your both fore fingers tips above eye brows in middle, both middle fingers tips in both nostrils, both your ring fingers tips on in middle over upper lip, both your little fingers tips over middle of front chin, both your thumb tips in your ears holes. Press each tows a little. Take a deep inhale. Chant O them chant M, keeping M more than O. Feel vibrations in your head in body. This pranayama will also open dead cells specially of brains. more  
There is a treatment for Hypo or Hyper thyroid in Sujok Acupressure. Please watch our videos on our website, If you find any difficulty please don't hesitate to contact us. Lions Clubs Motto is "WE SERVE". more  
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