
I have Hypothiroid, taking Thyronorm 100mm pill every day since last more than 5 years, want to come out of this deficiency & stop taking the pill more  

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try with naturopathy and yoga asanas & pranayamas its gives a good effect. If you do it seriously more  
I had hypothyroid condition for 7 years and used thyronorm or thyroxin. Was cured and no pills now. Broadly did as follows: 1. Analysed the possible cause - indisciplined lifestyle, anything that is causing undue and sustained stress (family, professional etc), over use of antibiotics and/or genetic predisposition (any close family member in past generations suffering with hypothyroidism). 2. Took homoeopathic medicines for 5 years alongside the thyronorm/thyroxin. 3. Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B12, Viramin D and calcium supplement as needed. 4. Periodic blood analysis. 5. Yog including pranayam (anulom vilom, kapalbhati, bhramari), meditation, and yogasan specifically sarvangasan. 6. Keep a positive attitude and do not bottle up negative emotions. 7. Walking and other measures line cycling, exercising etc to keep metabolic rate high. Please feel free to contact me at 9979876216 for further discussion. Wish you the very best for recovery. Aditya Jain more  
Medical Insurance Costs have Gone Up substantially. Why's this increase? Younger generation People and Children R now Increasing substantially. Why's This happening V eat Food with Reducing Nutrients - Why's because More Chemicals added as Fertilizers, Pesticides, Insecticides etc. Why's we want more production Quantity Vs Quality What is the Solution? Introspect Dr. Hippocrates honored by the Doctors - Taking The Hippocratic Oath Dr. Hippocrates had said "Let Food be Thy Medicine and Not Medicine Thy Food" Is Nutrition being Taught in Medical Colleges or even to the Dieticians Thanks to Dr. Karen Vieira the Research work done by her at the College for Biomedical sciences she studied Sickle cells diseases, Nutrition, worked at Kraft Foods for NASA Astronaut's and Later Wellness. Introspect to use her product as a MLM system Product One Solution for All Diseases WOW's - One Solution - How's it possible One Toxin's - over 300 Diseases - Scavenger to Remove this Toxin - Diseases will go Where ? 10 Vegetable's combo working as a Scavenger to removing Toxins Also with highest Antioxidants and all Nutrients as required by our Bodies See the Net for Nutramatrix Plus, Whatsapp 9331570114 or call 9331570114 / 8240993450 Dr. Promode Kapoor (Reiki) more  
May GOD Bless you more  
As already replied pranayam and yog asana and acupressure therapies are the best to cure hyperthyroidism Pranayama like : 1. Aulom vilom/ Nadi shodhan pranayama 2. Bhramari pranayam 3. Chanting of word 'OM' atleast for 20 times with deep breathe. Acupressure points Call on 9560659585 for detailed technique of pranayama. more  
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