Insomnia - the major Sleep problem of modern life

Modern life has created many problems for the common man. One among them is SLEEP. Unfortunately most people do not know how to deal with this problem of sleep disturbance. Many take to sleeping pills without the prescription of a doctor, and many more take to drinking alcoholic beverages. The commonest sleep problem is inability to fall asleep and to maintain restful sleep.
This problem is the result of a faulty lifestyle. Late nights, alcohol and tobacco consumption, lack of exercise, uncontrolled career ambition, greed, jealousy and even lust lead to difficulty in falling asleep or to maintain sleep. This is called Primary Insomnia. Taking drugs or alcohol to deal with primary insomnia only worsens the problem and leads to further disturbance of the mind and body. The best way to mange this disorder is to correct faulty habits and faulty lifestyles, followed by what is called as SLEEP HYGIENE
1. The bedroom should be used only for purpose of love and sleep, which means avoid office work in the bedroom, avoid discussing family problems in the bedroom, and avoid TV in the bedroom.
2. The sight of bedroom should spontaneously push the mind into the sleep mode. This is possible if you condition your body and mind to a clean, cozy, dimly lit bedroom with very soft and soothing music. Bright lights to be avoided. No laptops or cell phone browsing should be allowed once you are in the bedroom.
3. Light exercise like a walk or basic yoga and meditation is preferable, but heavy exercise should be avoided. Severe exercise stimulates the brain and keeps you awake.
4. Dinner should not be too heavy.
5. No stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco or alcohol before bedtime.
6. A hot bath and a glass of hot milk with sugar helps promote sleep.
7. No scheming, politicking or gossiping ... Family problems should never enter into the bedroom.
You will have a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams more  

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I think it is better to maditate for an hour daily along with chanting any spiritual mantra like gaytri, Vishnu, sai as per your religious faith. Pranayama in morning and yog nindhra gives best results. I was suffering with such probs for ten years and have over come 90% with out any medication. Just sparing a hour in the morning and evening. more  
Ganesh Moondra and Neeru Sood Ji, If you have only one room, treat that room as a temple; as clean and as serene. Do not store any garbage (either material or psychological) in that one room. One more point to take in is... your body is also a temple and the soul residing in it is the deity. Learn to treat this entity also with respect. Do not abuse it or burden it with the stimulation of the outside world; you will see how deep your sleep would be. Lot many people do not have even that one room, and they sleep the best. more  
Sanjay Arora Ji, Lot of doctors label mental health problems as depression. Even major disorders like Bipolar Affective Disorder or Schizo-affective disorders are being addressed as Depression. This is usually done so as not to frighten the patient with complicated medical terminology. We do not generally advise any patient with depression against marriage. Patients with depression can and do marry and lead normal marital lives. Please make sure you are being treated by a qualified psychiatrist. You may then have a frank discussion with the psychiatrist as to the diagnosis. You may also discuss with him the possibility of undergoing ECT (Electro Convulsive therapy) or rTMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). Between the two ECT is widely used and acknowledged, and there are several studies which prove its efficacy. more  
Insomnia is is a very bad state of affair .But if we follow certain life style we can avoid it .People who is having lot of problem in the life will face from sleeplessness as they can not avoid disturbing thoughts. Of course when people become too happy also will not feel sleep. But that is different from insomnia .To this category, they must try to do some good exercise and before go to sleep have a meditation . Avoid drinking or any drink water at least up to 30 min prior to sleep. Must not drink any thing stimulating even during day time .This include soft drink,coffee, and other drinks .If possible drink some warm milk without sugar before go to sleep . Actually all our five senses should be tired to go to sleep. How the hypnotist put us in to semi - conscious sleep ? They artificially get over our 5 senses through various ways and make these senses to get tired . Remember they make the senses tired only have way until they can by-pass our conscious mind and take direct control of our sub-conscious mind .But we can get these senses tired by doing good work ,exercise, hearing news, music, reading ,writing ,talking looking in to various sort of lights and so on .You can take hot bath before you go to sleep .May be bit higher than usual(don't get burn),do not control yourself for not thinking but try to avoid .Still it may come .But do not worry about it .If you are rich and using AC you can go in to a Blanket/rejayi .Do not sleep or lay down during day time .Make sure you are tired by evening .First day it will be bit difficult .But second day onwards you will improve .If you are already having some medicine for sleep do not stop immediately but keep reducing the dose as you feel more and more sleep . If you follow this much , most of the people will have a good sleep. Of course their will be exception .Exception prove the rule ! more  
Mridula Ji, It would do you good if you practice sleep hygiene. If it still does not give you relief, then you might consider whether you are undergoing mild depression or anxiety. Yoga and homeopathy do help. But if you are suffering from depression, it would be advisable to consult a psychiatrist in person. more  
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