Keeping Blood Sugar in Control: Exercises


This is the easiest form of exercise that you can indulge in without investing in any heavy duty equipment or taking a gym membership. In fact, even 30 minutes of walking every day can help you bring your blood sugar levels under control. Studies show that walking in a moderate to fast pace for at least two to three hours every week can also help to reduce the chances of complications due to diabetes.

Tai Chi
If walking is too boring for you, try Tai Chi. This traditional Chinese martial art uses slow and steady movements to calm the mind and body. The researchers at the University of Florida studied a closed group of women and found that women who practiced Tai Chi for 16 weeks had much better control on blood sugar levels. However, the study also concluded that with this form of exercise gait, speed, muscle strength, static balance, walking endurance and self-reported physical function or mental health did not improve in older sedentary adults with type 2 diabetes. So, talk to your doctor if your blood sugar level is high about what kind of exercise is best for you. However, Tai Chi can still be a form of exercise that can help with weight loss and muscle flexibility.

Yoga is an excellent form of exercise for people suffering for type II diabetes. Studies have suggested that regular practice of yoga can help lower both fasting postprandial blood sugar levels. In fact yoga also helps to improve insulin production. It helps to lower body fat percentage and body weight too. It reduces levels of stress hormone cortisol and free fatty acids. It also helps to lower insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity.

Cardio exercises
Cycling, dancing, swimming or any cardio activity can improve heart rate, help burn calories and keep blood sugar under control. Studies suggest that high-intensity cardio workouts help to control blood sugar levels better than low impact cardio activities.

Weight training
While weight training also is a high-level intensity workout, however, a combination of weight training and cardio works best for a diabetic. The longer a person spends doing combination exercises like weight training and aerobics, the lower the chances of suffering from the complications of diabetes. However, remember to balance your weight training programs so that it doesn’t stress you out. Try to incorporate weight training at least twice or thrice a week to regulate your blood sugar levels.

Keep in mind:
It is necessary to check your blood sugar levels before you start exercising. If your blood sugar is below 100 mg/dL, probably you need to eat something before you start exercising so that your body has enough glucose to provide your body. A fruit, multigrain sandwich or even a bowl of poha 30 minutes before exercise is an ideal snack. If your blood sugar is too high, say it is above 250 mg/dL, it could mean that your body needs insulin. Without adequate insulin, your body would be breaking down fats to provide you with more glucose, and this will make your glucose levels go higher, which can aggravate your condition. So wait till your blood sugar is within a normal range or at least below 250 mg/dL after you take your insulin shot. more  

View all 11 comments Below 11 comments
Most of the people suffering form diabetes are due to lack of proper exercise. One exercise starts, every thing will be within control. more  
All measures suggested above are important and useful methods of controlling diabetes. In some cases the control is better and in others what ever they do , does not work. If a diabetic person is disciplined and controls his /her diet, the regular walk, yoga, meditation,pranayama and regular in taking medicines can live healthy life up to at least 75 years of age. But we are not sincere about our efforts and that is the main problem. Above 75, it depends and is more difficult to maintain good health because other body parts and organs start giving up.A diabetic person also has to learn how to be,feel and remain happy under difficult situations. Good luck to all. more  
All diabetic patients along with the above, I have a MIRACLE FRUIT, which will help you all in controlling sugar in Blood and urine. 100 gms cost you only Rs.75/- plus postal charges if you are living out of Bangalore.If in Bangalore you can collect them from Indiranagar more  
I am a diabetic since last 38 years and controlled by taking 3time insulin per day followed by tablets.I have tried all other means but not found fruitful. more  
It is largly felt and experiences by my age which is 40 that prevention is better than cure. So all parents must teach their kids practically by focussing on every act of life. Educate them on healthy lifestyle by practicing acts for influence rather than just preaching. more  
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