Kejriwal ji be more thoughtful

They have decided to soon make the Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate mandatory to refuel petrol/diesel vehicles in Delhi. Here is my concern. In middle of pandemic dont do these things randomly. If u have to do this, pick better time. Ensure u have an on call service running to do PUC at home. Only deny fuel to commercial vehicles without PUC before u get to personal vehicles. Many seniors have not been able to get PUC due to lines for a while and then pandemic.

Its like single person in a car without mask has to pay 1000 rupee fine and half in a DTC bus without mask dont pay anything. more  

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My comment is contrary to what all 6 comments which I have read. However, please read and understand. 1. Having a valid PUC certificate is a requirement of the Motor Vehicles Act in force for a very long time. The owner / driver can be fined if the PUC certificate is not valid. If this rule is OK for the members, how is someone going to the petrol pump to get petrol? Is he not liable to be checked on the way? 2. As per the news item, a fine of Rs. 10000/- will be levied on such vehicles and petrol pumps are only additional check points. To my mind, no one has objected to this fine. If so, what are we protesting for a proposal for which is yet to be notified? Are we ready to get fined on the way or at the petrol pump just for getting the petrol ? 3. The correct way is to request the govt. to permit 2-3 months for getting the PUC check done due to the restricted movement just as was done for the renewal of driving license. 4. This is how I understand the issue. Correct me where I may be wrong. more  
I fully agree with the views expressed. Also whenever it has to be implemented it should be an All India or atleast for NCR otherwise it will be of no use. Govt if serious should look at it in phased manner keeping in view the average monthly running. Hence if we are serious then checking of pollution certificate of all commercial vehicles needs to be tighten first as one taxi may be running equivalent to at least 15 cars on road. more  
completely agree....... this needs to be done with a 3-4 month deadline , informing well in advance and allowing everybody to get their PUC with adequate time in hand more  
I agree with you. more  
I support you. There is a huge queue at petrol pumps to get a PUC certificate. Women drivers & Seniors who donnot keep drivers have to wait for hours more  
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