Minor habits that may cause serious health issues

Minor habits that may cause serious health issues in the longer run.

1) Carrying wallet in your back pocket
If you are a man with a habit of carrying a bulky wallet in your back pocket, then it may lead to severe back pain in future as a result of wallet sciatica. Wallet sciatica is also referred as hip-pocket syndrome, wallet neuritis, wallet neuropathy, and fat wallet syndrome or credit carditis. The medical term for this condition is piriformis syndrome. The chance of suffering from piriformis syndrome is higher in men who constantly drive with wallet in their back pocket. It is caused by the wallet pressing on the nerves in the back. In the course of time, this will lead to sciatica which can lead to serious pain in lower leg, foot, ankle or lower back. Sitting, walking or even lying down can be very painful as a result.

2) Over consumption of sugar

Despite knowing that sugar is one of harmful ingredients in a modern diet, our daily consumption is going up on an average. Evolution has given human greater affinity to sugar; but today, the level of sugar consumption borders addiction.

French scientists reported that rats chose sugar over cocaine, even when they were addicted to cocaine. They argue that our sweet receptors are not adapted to the high concentrations of sweet tastes on offer in modern times.

Another study prove that sugar promotes weight gaining in high magnitudes. It is the quantity of fructose in sugar which fools our brains by making us think that we are not completely leading to overeating. And this excess fructose cannot be converted into energy by our cells and our body turn them into liver fat. This leads to chronic metabolic diseases, including diabetes and heart diseases.

3) Prolonged sitting

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that prolonged sitting increases our chances of early death. Over sitting can lead to death from cardiovascular issues and cancer. Besides this, if you are glued to your chair for eight to 12 hours or even more on a day-to-day basis, the chance of delevoping Type 2 diabetes increases by nearly 90%.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for death all around the world.

4) Skipping breakfast

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping it can have serious consequences on weight, energy levels, and blood sugar levels. It also keeps your metabolism running low, ultimately leading to weight gain, overeating and sluggishness.

If you are a high-caffeine user, a protein rich breakfast is the essential. Wondering why we said this? Well, it will bind the caffeine intake to generate maximum energy. According to a research paper published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice, those who eat breakfast daily consumes more nutrients, burns more calories, and have higher concentration as well as better mood.

5) Text Neck or Smartphone Neck Syndrome

Recently, 'text neck syndrome' is becoming an epidemic that could lead to permanent damage. The posture that we adopt while staring at our phones, increases the stress on the neck. And whether you believe it or not, this can cause excessive wear and tear that may even need a surgery to correct it.

According to Dr Kenneth Hansraj, "Although our heads weigh between 10lb and 12lb, as we angle them down to look at our phones, the effective weight on our necks increases - at a 15-degree angle it is about 27lb rising to 60lb at 60 degrees". It results in head pain, neck pain, arm pain and numbness. This is because when you drop your chin on to your chest for a long period you are stretching the whole structure against the normal standing position, wherein all the curves of your neck and spine are in correct alignment. more  

View all 14 comments Below 14 comments
Discipline in life is requied and to be imposed by the parents. more  
Simple Neck exercise and lumbar stretch will solve the above said problems. Whatever may be the job , one has to correct the body setting daily for happy and stress free life. more  
Very good n important information. Thanks Neelima more  
All adorable suggestions. To me, one very important habit around which all our health problems revolve is : Not partaking food at fixed timings, not eating food with a happy and fine mood and not spending enough time for eating food, not chewing food nicely etc are very very important. I have seen many people gulping down food, as if just to fill a bag inside the body and washing down the food down the throat with a couple of glasses of water! And then starts the problems. Taking tablets for digestion, heart burn, to kill the brewing gas in the stomach, and then pills after pills for either constipation or to control watery motions due to undigested food etc. Or run to the doctor for above problems making a hay day for the doctors. My own personal experience is that keeping a tight schedule for food, eating less food, spending enough time for chewing food nicely, avoiding oily and fried foods etc if followed, a big percentage of problems connected with the digestion and resultant problems and side effects arising from consuming fist-full pills and tablets etc would end and one can find a terrific improvement in general health parameters. I do not know how many of our esteemed friends will agree. more  
Thank you Neelima for these useful tips especially regarding carrying a fat wallet in the hip pocket. Regards. more  
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