Nasal polyps

I have nasal polyps. There is no effective medicine in allopathy. The solution is surgery. They incisive the eye brow and remove polyps. Please anybody know effective medicine in alternative medicine systems Please guide me more  

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Herbal Treatment for Nasal Polyps Dear Mr batcha, Thanks for sharing your health issues with us. There is no need to go for surgery of your nasal polyps, since there are effective herbal medicines to treat your symptoms. You will need to treat your cold, cough, and enhance your immunity by taking herbal medicines, that I will suggest in the end of this message. I feel it pertinent to mention that a few year back, due to cold climate and low immunity, I had developed nasal polyps in my right nostril, and had also suffered from tinnitus in my left ear. Both the symptoms were extremely challenging, and causing me great discomfort. I was unable to breath easily from my right nostril due to nasal polyps. Since, I am associated with Ayurveda for the past 19 years, I took herbal medicines regularly, and cured my nasal congestion due to nasal polyps and tinnitus, as well. At one stage, I was unable to hear from my left year, but regain my hearing back with the help of herbal medicines. I would suggest the following herbal medicines for your present state of sufferings to bring best possible results: 1. Liv.52 (Himalaya) - Two tablets twice a day with warm water after meal. 2. Ashwagandha (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day with warm water after meal. 3. Kamdudha Ras Moti Yukta (Baidyanath) - One tablet twice a day with warm water after meal. 4. Septilin (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day with warm water after meal. 5. Kanchnar Guggulu (Patanjali) - Two tablets twice a day with warm water after meal. 6. Shadbindu Tel (Baidyanath) - Lie down comfortablly on your back and tilt your head back with your nostrils opening towards the sky. Place six drops of oil drop by drop in each nostril thoroughly coating the nasal membranes. Take a few big sniffs several times, then rest for a few minutes allowing the oil to penetrate, until you feel the oil in your throat. Spit the oil out and cleanse your mouth properly. Repeat this action again in the evening. Shadbindu Oil is also traditionally said to improve quality of voice, strengthen vision and promote mental clarity. The nose is the direct route to the brain and also the doorway to consciousness. Please Note: You will need to take the prescribed herbal medicines regularly for several months with utmost patience to achieve long lasting benefits, since natural products have holistic healing qualities on the body, and take extra time for absorption and producing satisfactory results. Home Remedies: 1. Eat walnuts and other dried fruits daily to nourish your body and mind. 2. Boil half teaspoon home made turmeric powder, quarter teaspoon black pepper powder and one crushed green cardamom in a glass of cow's milk, until the same turns into dark yellow colour. Add some jaggery or honey to make the turmeric milk decoction delicious, if you are not a diabetic patient. Strain the milk and drink it twice a day after meal during winter season. During summer season, drink turmeric milk decoction once a day after breakfast. I feel it pertinent to mention that in order to obtain best possible results of turmeric milk home remedy, it is extremely important to add black pepper in milk to improve the bioavailability of turmeric due to the presence of piperine in black pepper, and thus the source of curcumin in turmeric gets absorbed by each and every cells of the body, and helps in treating critical health issues to bring best possible results. Turmeric is an effective blood cleansing spice, and turmeric milk home remedy is extremely effective in treating cold, cough, flu, allergies, asthma, infections, inflammation, joint and muscular pain, and diseases related to liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain, and all types of cancers. 3. Boil half teaspoon carom seeds (Ajwain) in a glass of water until the water turns into golden colour. Add some jaggery to make the decoction delicious, if you are not a diabetic patient. Strain and drink daily after dinner to treat cold, cough, flu, pneumonia, sinusitis and gastric disorders. 4. Take Coriander (Dhaniya), Cumin (Jeera) and Fennel (Saunf) seeds in equal quantity to measure one teaspoon. Boil them in a glass of water until the water turns into golden colour. Strain and drink the decoction twice a day after meal to treat acidity, gases and indigestion. The decoction of coriander, cumin and fennel is useful in relieving acidity and abdominal cramps due to flatulence. Cumin helps to stimulate liver to secrete more bile, thus leading to improve appetite and healthy digestion. Cumin also helps to promote heart health, controls blood pressure, treats hypoglycaemia (Low Blood Sugar) and sleep disorders. 5. Make a habit of chewing cloves, green cardamom or fennel seeds after meal to improve digestion. Suggestions: You should avoid taking cold food, tomato, pickle, sauces, citrus fruits, chocolates, ice creams, dairy products, white flour products, confectionary, cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, tinned or preserved foods, coconut, tender coconut water and aerated cold drinks, as these stuffs will trigger and worsen your nasal polyps. You should eat frequent small meals rather than a few large ones. Overeating should be avoided. Drinking plenty of warm water is advisable. Always have food freshly prepared, and in a warm state. Some condiments and spices like garlic, ginger, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, black pepper, carom seeds, and cinnamon are helpful in relieving the symptoms. She should avoid eating fried food completely. Avoid exposure to excessive cold and rain. Take care and stay healthy! Best regards, Kunwar Singh more  
I have cured a lot of such patients with excellent results more  
Inhomeopathy there are good medicines for polips. Consult a homeopath. more  
Echinacea is extremely good to control the cold, irritation and other issues surrounding polyps. It is a good immunity booster. It is available in homeopathy. I am a lifestyle and wellness advisor and have certain supplements for the same. I have suggested the same to 2 patients of mine. With time, approx 2 months, it is come under control and patients are living with polyps and nothing else. As suggested above, kapalbhati, definitely is one of the best options, if possible. more  
Please do not go for surgery.they will come again once removed by surgery.keep patience and you can cure it by following tips. 1.use patanjali shadbindu will be give some irritations initially but you will get used to it slowly. 2. use pure almond oil drops at night in the nose. 3. doing kapalbhati at comfortable pace will generate automatic heat to dissolve the polyps in the nose for sure Regards more  
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