Should the lockdown be extended then at least open up e commerce and couriers services to both essential and non essential products and services. Ensure courier companies provide their couriers with protective gear and training. Many businesses can then get back online. more
If pharmacists, consumer goods shops, fruit and vegetable vendors etc. are permitted to deliver their products to customers, then bracketing out e-traders would appear somewhat out of place. As far as one hears, e-basket and modern bazar are continuing with their home-deliveries, but no authentication here. I don't know about Zomato, Swiggy, Pizza and other foodstuffs, because we don't order food online. Thought revision is also needed on the so-called "kaamwallis" who come to clean your household or do some cooking etc.......especially when it comes to aged seniors (verisht nagrik) ..... Reluctance on the part of authorities to ease restrictions is perhaps because they do not have dependable wherewithals to Corona-check those who would then be allowed to "deliver".... This may only be a matter of time, at least let's keep hopes alive !! more
During this lock-down period mots disservice is from those so called great e-commerce services where many people depended on it for basic and special necessities. They should get their people trainbed and provided with PPE and start moving things and delivery after taking orders instead of cancelling their regular subscription orders as being done now by Amazon. Even Medilife also cancelling confirmed prepaid orders during last 15 days should stop and start providing medicine specially to tier 2 &3 cities where even Medical shops doesnt have life saving medicine more
Yes there is a huge backlog as well, as stalled or cancelled orders which people have to keep checking their accounts to make sure that they have been credited. We need to keep the country going and couriers are not only offer employment for riders/drivers but also can be easily monitored and controlled as opposed to members of the family risking themselves by going out. more
A fairly small state in India with 2.5 % Population contributing 60% to the National daily Covid 19 Cases. Though 55 % of the Kerala population has received at least one Jab till recent...
ZERO DEATH Covid Care Center - A Model for the world Ahmednagar Covid Care Centre (CCC) which is a 1100 bed center is treating all the covid positives without even a single death case. Th...
Swami Ramdev's prescription for prevention and cure of COVID-19. Prescription: Rx 1. Swasahari Vati 2tab. TDS before meals After meals 2. Giloy Ghanwati, Ashvagandha Cap and Tu...
A submission to the Modi Govt. Please impose total lockdown throughout the India for 49 days. So far distancing is the only proven medicines for the pandemic. Even otherwise, the virus ailmen...
Come Deepawali and the talks of air pollution become rampant across all social media. And the difficulties that people with lung disorders such as bronchial asthma face in these times is well known...
A group of Japanese Doctors confirmed that *warm water* is 100% effective in resolving some health problems such as:- 1. Migraine 2. High blood pressure 3. Low blood pressure ...
Drinking Water While Eating - Can It Have Benefits? There is an age old saying that drinking water during meals will disturb your digestion and dilute stomach juices. Advice, that floats...
Q : What is Nipah Virus ? A : Nipah virus was initially discovered when it caused an outbreak of brain fever among pig farmers in Malaysia. Q : Should I be worried ?
*Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left Side.* *In Ayurveda it is called Vamkushi..* 1. Prevents snoring 2. Helps in better blood circulation 3. Helps in proper digestion after...
5 ways to boost bone strength early The best prevention for bone-thinning osteoporosis begins early — during the first two decades of life, when you can most influence your peak bo...
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