I m resident of Faridabad. My husband age 54 years is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and he is presently getting chemotherapy at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. I would like to know if any other therapy works apart from chemo. more
I am a Stasge IV Pancreatic cancer patient detected in oct 2012 and surviving till today after Chemo therapy which was a mixture of Abraxane and Gemsitabane.. This IV chemo stopped working in 2015 march and was shifted to XELODA tablets which also stopped working from october 2015. Now I am taking GRAVIOLA leaves decaution aprt from dieterary supplemts and diet prescribed my wife with pink gabbage, brocoli, carrots and beet root.. Also prayer of loved ones work. Please continue the Chemo till it works. more
Deepak Kumar g. It would be kind of you if you can please give details of suppliments that you are refering for cancer with cost thereoff so that it can be used by all. B T Shah more
20 Aug 16 Sir, I have used 3 leaves per 10 kg weight of cancer patient for concotion-to be taken at morning -noon-evening for 4th stage ovarian cancer for 5 months. Leaves were proccured from Dr Nandkumar Joshi-at Bangalore who charges just Rs 1000 for a month supply, now. Previously it was given free. He is 84 age now. He has done PhD in agree culture and has developed Gravioala farming in India. The leaves helped to reduce the tumor but metastasis could not be stopped. She had to be put on 3 chemo and then surgery but was not fit thereafter and could not take furthur chemo. Then homeopathy was started and she survived for 7 months with quality of life. last 15 days were in semi coma. she succumbed after total 18 months. Graviola is sort of chemo chemicals [Plant alchoids] and Dr nandkumar has published total booklet and cassets which gives all details of what all chemicals it contains. He gives survivor-benefiters testimonies in writting with contact data. all are mostly from Bangalore and are poor people who gave there thoughts in own hand writting. Aboutr 50 such people are listred with testimonies in power point CD which any one can get free from him. Graviola helps in cancer but not in all cancers. No organized R & D has been done by any one so far. It just a word of mouth. Actually it can be consumed by a fit person also for 15 days in six month as a precaution, with diet and life style improvement to avoid cancer thru immunity enhansement as per experience essence of Dr Joshi. Technology must be used in co ordinating help to cancer patients-free of charge-in atleast providing contacts for motivation and faith building to fight cancer. B T shah more
Tips from my GP on reducing risk of cancer. Experts in this circle may know a lot more ๐๐ Consume a healthy diet, with an emphasis on nutritious sources A balanced meal consisting o...
Attached cancer heat map of India. Do you live in a state with very high instances of cancer? What does it tell us. Could it be the water, air, way farming is done (fruits veggies whea...
Can anyone put more light on the post below which I came across? : 12 medical tests and procedures now being questioned worldwide as unnecessary. Doctors are often criticized...
It’s been quite some time now since I have been diagnosed with a high-grade neuroendocrine cancer. This new name in my vocabulary, I got to know, was rare, and due to fewer study cases, and l...
A relative has recently been diagnosed with CML-CP. Can some knowledgeable person provide information on the cure rate and precautions to be taken during treatment in food etc. Any guidance wo...
I would like to inform all patients with tumor in any part of body that in my case I have totally been cured with the glioblastoma grade 4 with the help of radio surgery protocol recently done.
By Ramakant Dwivedi
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