Prana is a Sanskrit word and it has been in existence since creation and it was referred to by different names in different cultures.Europe - Elan Vitalae and Vis Medicatrix NaturaeHebrw - Ruah or Breath of LifeGreeks - Pneuma Polynesians -- ManaChinese - ChiJapanese - KiReichenbach - Odic Force Dr Wilhelm Reich - Orgone Energy He has proven scientifically the presence of Orgone and established American college of Orgonomy where medical doctors are trained in treatment using Orgone energy in Psychosomatic diseases. Many scientists in USA and Russia have identified presence of an invisible energy body in humans and other living beings and called it by different names like Bio-energy, Bio-Luminescence etc.U.S.A. Squid --This instrument was invented by Dr.Samuel Williamson of New YorkUniversity to measure the magnetic fields of the body.Burr Voltmeter -- Dr H. Burr and Dr F. Northrop at Yale University measuredbody's Electro-dynamic fields.Dr. Robert Becker of Upstate Medical school of New York - Measured body'sElectrical Field Besides, National Institute of Health ( NIH ) in USA has undertakenresearch in Healing to find out how Healing works. RUSSIADr. Victor Inyushin at Kazak University at Khazakistan - Measured HumanEnergy Fields.Dr. A. S. Popov of Bio-information Institute measured Bio-FieldsDr. Kirlian - Through Kirlian Photography demonstrated the Prana-filledenergy body and it appears before and after Healing with Prana ( PranicHealing)Dr. Sergeyev - Force Field DetectorDr. Gulyaev - Recorded Auragrams before and after Healing Master Choa Kok Sui a Chinese Engineer has shown how Pranic Healingcan be used very methodically to alleviate medical problems and howit can also be used along with any other system of medicine. It treats theEnergy body which will heal the physical and psychological ailments.As it is a no-touch therapy, it should be taught to certified MedicalPractitioners for better understanding of our invisible energy body and howto help our patients better.Dr. A. Saradamba From: Ramesh T To: Sent: Monday, 3 October 2016 9:18 PM Subject: New post "Pranic Healing" in [AYUSH Community Network] more
pl send me pranic healing centre in Powai or surrounding area. Have a greatday. Reg.Natyacharya & Yogacharya.Pt.Naresh Pillai facebook : ptnareshpillai / kalalaya nrithya Twitter : ptnareshpillai Linkedin : ptnareshpillai youtube : nareshpillai Google + : nareshpillai kalalaya Nrithya academy +91-9870060522 / 8080707023 On 3 October 2016 at 18:15, Ramesh T wrote: > more
Dear Shri Ramesh T, Pranic healing is an alternative healing method. There are several others, as well, such as Magnified healing, Vedic healing, reiki etc. In Ayurvedam, texts indicate three-sided approach to healing, namely, medication, diet and Mantra Shakti. Pranic healing would fit into the third category. I have learned and practised Pranic healing, Magnified healing, Vedic healing and Alpha Mind Power healing. The results vindicate people's belief in these systems. Distance healing is also effective, but Pranic healing method is time consuming compared to the rest. Personally I have found some conditions respond well to chanting. Your favourite devata is meditated upon and prayed to with time-honoured prayers/chants. All these assist in quick healing and efficacy of other treatments being administered. Also, self-hypnosis helps if suggestions are given that the cells of the body are healthy and normal and efficient, that they are rejuvenated daily and hence have resistance to/immunity against disease. These healing methods work well with diseases of psychosomatic origin. Please learn these methods from accredited sources. Good Luck! L.Kalavathi Retd. Bank Official Chennai, Tamilnadu. 5th October, 2016 more
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By Vikram Gupta
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