A probiotic is a live friendly bacteria (microorganism) that provides health benefits when consumed.

Taking probiotics can benefit weight loss, heart health, digestion, immune function and more.
Helps in Lose Weight and Belly Fat

The best being conventional Buttermilk made from Curds .

Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics, which are friendly bacteria that can improve your health.

Sauerkraut ( made from cabbage, ginger , dill leaves.).

There are many others available in the market and possible to be prepared at home : Kefir ,Tempeh,kimchi, Miso, Kombucha , Pickles.


View all 7 comments Below 7 comments
Those interested may also see: Are Probiotics actually as good as claimed?-- AND Probiotics fail to benefit children with gastroenteritis: NEJM-- more  
Lactobacillus id Important for the intestinal health . However it also requires, PRE- BIOTIC ENVIRONMENT FOR IT TO GROW WITHIN THE HUMAN INTESTINES. Environment conducive for the Lactobacillus to grow within our Guts . The conducive environment is to provide an ideal alkaline media and rich in fiber . The proliferation of probiotic Bacteria takes place in the large intestines . By then all food is absorbed . The fibers are not absorbed and that goes through the large intestine giving an ideal environment for the Probiotic bacteria to grow. Some available Prebiotic vegetables are attached . more  
Mr. Mohapatra, The difference between conventional curd and Yogurt that we get in the supermarkets : While making conventional curds at home the milk is allowed to ferment with a bit of old curd. This fermentation is done by the Lactobacillus Bacteria ; as the solidifies into curds the bacillus also increases . Now these bacteria survive far better in room temperature rather than in refrigeration . IN DEEP FREEZER IS NOT THE RIGHT PLACE FOR IT TO SURVIVE OR GROW.So the western concept of Frozen Yoghurt will have far less lactobacillus bacteria than the conventional curd . more  
Products coming out of the companies kill the traditional methods methodically. Only people should know to differentiate between the merits and demerits. With this chaotic developments, people may not be in a position to analyze things. That's why many survive including our politicians. more  
Very good suggestion. Conventional Buttermilk made from Curds. Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics. Can there be a list of such items for educating the general public. more  
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