Relative suffering from cancer, need suggestions

One of our relative is suffering from cancer for
some time. Initially it was diagnosed as kidney cancer and one kidney was removed last November and chemotherapy started. After 5 chemo, doctors at TM hospital said that chemo is not having any effect and cancer has spread to other organs like lungs and stopped any further treatment. He started having pain and breathing problem. Sometimes afterward after some studies we started some naturopathy and Ayurveda treatment. For first 2 months he showed a lot of improvement, his breathing problem stopped, pain also reduced substantially. But after that he started feeling weak without any appetite and started getting fever with shivering and after examination infection was found. Now his HB is only 6.3, BP very low, WBC, Platelet, ESR very high and was given antibiotic course. But hardly any improvement is visible. We are very worried and really do not know what to do. Can anybody suggest any relief for him. more  

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There are no confirmed plan for an advanced stage where Chemo has been done.. Chemo infact damages the immunity, weakens or kills the good cells. According to confirmed Medical asso of America reports, there is only 3 % success rate for chemo, which again cannot be attributed to Chemo. It can be destiny !!! After losing my mother to cancer, the only successful treatment I have found is the plant called Lakshmitaru. Combined with Soursop (a fruit which acts as Chemo without damaging the good cells) it can cure. This is widely in use in Kerala these days and doctors of modern medicine confirms the post therapy reports. If you contact the nearest agricultural office or university, they can help you.. Check this link pls.... more  
Ram seetha phal is known to cure cancer this is the recent news in all magazines and have shown result try it more  
Ozone treatment is a good antioxidant therapy that can be tried in conjunction with any other treatment. Checkout the website more  
As mentioned by Renukaji 'oxidation' is one of the reasons for cancer..... But well researched & published books mention around 20 reasons for getting affected by cancer..... And, alarmingly every person is prone/exposed to at least 4 to 5 such reasons/causes for long duration of their life span. Therefore, while agreeing that 'prevention is better than cure', Nature cure treatment can be done for cancer for 'curative purpose' also. The real & pure NC has the logic different from all other treatment systems. I would say, cancers are 'cells'..... cells are living beings..... living beings (cells) require nutrition.... cancer cells depend on the host body for nutrition..... clear.... then.... cancer cells are abnormal (extra ordinary) cells.... demanding/absorbing/consuming more nutrition than the normal cells of the host. There three states of 'negative nutrition, viz. .... fasting, inaniation and starving..... psyology and other life process are different during these 3 stages..... Fasting can be beneficially undertaken under supervision of an experienced NC practitioner for required duration for any disease and/or body-servicing. Inaniation is skipping of one or two meals for whatever reason..... Starving is the stage in which the storage/ reserve of nutrition in the muscles, etc. are withdrawn and consumed for survival.... Therefore, total fasting on water under supervision of an experienced NC practitioner would help first starv the cancer cells to death ( as they require more nutrition) before normal cells start starving.... When the cancer cells are died out body would give certain symptoms, which with the help of the NC practitioner the patients and his/her kith & kin would be able to understand. At that stage juice diet can be started.... and finally ending the 'fasting' in its logical scientific manner. By this time the dead-cancer cells would excreted by way of loose-motion, perspiration, etc., which can be regulated by simple applications by an NC practitioner. Conventional tratments attempts to eliminate the cancel cells by medicines, radiation, burning, etc., which vitiates the situation with undesired consequences. Nature Cure with fasting on water is certainly beneficial for cancer, other diseases and also for preventive treatments. This is beneficial as a 'pallative treatment' also... for many reasons. more  
Every body who seek advises/prescriptions for 'treatment' should invariably understand the meaning of this word, at least in simple manner..... Let me quote from the book "The Hand book of Naturopathy" by Dr. Sukhbir Singh: Treatment is an activity or activities internally or externally performed by an expert to give relief or cure the patient". more  
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