Reynauds disease

Can somebody suggest proven remedy for Reynauds disease which causes numbness and pale / blue fingers - hands & foot in winter season. more  

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Simple remedies for Raynaud’s disease: The tamarind leaves (Chincha-Tamarindus indica) and pulp of Kumari(Aloe vera) are takemn in 4:1 ratio and fine paste is made. This is applied to the affected forearm and foreleg.15-20 days application daily will help to achieve symptomatic relief. Seeds of cumin and mustard are fried deeply and charred. This black colored mass added to the sesame oil (Tila taila) and warmed. Little salt is also added.This is stored in glass containers. This is applied to the affected area, daily. After 1-2 hr of oil application lukewarm water is pored over the area for 5-8 minutes. This helps to increase the blood circulation and hence to relieve the congestion of the vessels. Prevention such as cold exposure, hypertension , stress etc. mahamanjishtadi kashayam, chandraprabha-vati, other benefits-dosage but please better to take advice through near aayurvedic doctor..or viad more  
some one getting affected by such disease should go far steam bath and hot footbath/hand bath. if it is happening only in sever winter. otherwise some additional precaution are to be taken . any further clearance can contact on telephone 9910271302 or 0120-2535940 more  
Bare foot brisk walking in grass or fairly rough but safe surface for 45 minutes in morning & evening might help. Mudras suggested by Korada also will help, try heart mudra which clears the blocks in blood vessels. keep index finger at the base of thump, lightly press down on index finger with thump & join tips of thump, middle finger & ring finger together. hold this position for 15 minutes or till the pulsing sensation you feel when you do this peaks & start subsiding. do it with both hands & morning & evening, when the stomach is not full. you can do it even while watching TV or travelling, but ensure that the spine is erect. This Mudra on regular basis also prevents stroke. Detoxing the body by any means, I suggest drinking 0.5 litre lukewarm water with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice & 1 tsp honey (unadulterated) on empty stomach,through out ur life. don't eat or drink anything, not even water for 1 hour & never allow honey to warm up, heating honey turns it in to poison, if the water is hot allow it to cool to luke warm. Drinkng more than 3litres of luke warm water through out the day also is good more  
Please read about yoga mudras. The finger mudras of yoga are very simple to practice, and they are harmless. It might help. more  
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