Vinay.... stammering is not a problem...... it is actually a habit or nature of speed talk.... it means, u'r ideally better at speaking, but due to lack of knowledge, confidence, experience in speaking different tongues.... stammering of speech happens.... try a small exercise.... take straw... juice drinking straw.... the lengthier the better..... blow air through it, while the other end is kept in say, a bucket of water..... it will help your muscles grow control over u'r speech...... good luck more
I had stammering during my childhood. Today I stammer sometimes when I can't find the right word or the word is bit difficult to pronounce. You have to train yourself to read slowly and loudly. It is basically when you are in group, you fear and start to stammer. So take a deep breath and try to speak. Also we try to hurry and finish to avoid stammering. Better way is to speak slowly and stop if you feel like stammering and continue. more
Chant any name of God ( Krishna ) sitting comfortably for ten minits Mind should thing getting out of problem Don't lose confidence u will win Telnarasimhan Sent from my iPad > On Mar 5, 2018, at 3:03 AM, VINAY KUMAR wrote: > > > > > VINAY KUMAR > VINAY KUMAR posted a message in "AYUSH - Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy and More ". > Subject: STAMMERING. > PLS PROVIDE REMIDIES FOR STAMMERING... > Reply Reply to this email to post a comment. > > If you believe that this post is inappropriate for this Circle, report it. > If you don't want to receive emails from us in future, please Unsubscribe. > more
stammering is associated with physical, mental (psychological) and social setting -that hinders the working and coordination of mind and the tongue. The herbs Brahmi and Bacha have been found to sharpen the working and coordination of mind and tongue. The child must be encouraged to read loudly to eliminate any inhibition that could be there - with continued medication and support - the disorder vanishes. more
There have been good suggestions that van be followed . Stammering can also be due to sudden emotional causes that immediately affect the speach and the way delivered. Psychological councelling can help . If it is due other causes a speach therapist will be able to help . In case the person needs a free one delivered at home log on to : . ALL THE BEST N YOUR MISSION. more
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By Vikram Gupta
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