Who Needs the Drug Store When You Can Use These?

1. Honey

If you want to keep your body free of harmful bacteria, try drinking a glass of warm water containing a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and a spoonful of honey. If you’ve managed to cut, burn or injure yourself somehow, you can try cleaning the resulting wound with honey.

2. Garlic

Garlic is rich in allicin, a compound that helps fight infections such as the common cold. What’s more, it helps to protect your body from other harmful microbial bodies, such as bacteria, yeast or parasites. All you need to do to benefit from garlic’s antibiotic properties is just ensure that you include it as a regular food in your diet.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is very commonly used in Asian cuisine, however, the spice also happens to be an excellent natural antiseptic. Try mixing turmeric with honey to make an easily-applicable paste. If you want to give your immune system a boost and increase its ability to fight infection, you can try mixing turmeric with warm milk to stimulate it.

4. Cabbage

The humble cabbage doesn’t get the recognition it deserves as an antibacterial source. For starters, it’s rich in sulfur, which is essential for treating infections and is even believed to be anticarcinogenic. Cabbage is also rich in vitamin C, which makes it highly effective at preventing everyday infections, including the common cold.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

This miracle vinegar, which is made from fermented apple extract, is a nutritional powerhouse, and great for maintaining excellent health. This is because it's both antiseptic and antibiotic, making it great for combating bad bacteria. It’s also great for balancing the pH level (acidity vs. alkalinity) in the body, which means that bacteria have a lesser opportunity to breed.

6. Virgin Coconut Oil

A fixture in Sri Lankan cuisine, coconut oil is a highly effective antibiotic, which also happens to be antibacterial and antifungal. Due to the latter property, coconut oil is an excellent remedy for dandruff or other fungal infections of the scalp.

Furthermore, coconut oil has wonderful antioxidant properties, which means that it can help slow down aging, keeping hair and skin looking their best.

From the time Alopathic system has mushroomed in India, Ayurvedic System has lost its relevance. In Good Old days "Dadi ka Nuskha" contained all these.
Yes, Garlic, Turmeric and honey should be part of our daily life. Thanks Mr Pande.
good piece of information which our ancestors were adept at and were using the same effectively and somehow in the present generation all of them is lost
Thank you Mr. Pande for the useful tips which you usually send,
Thanks for the good information.
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