Words of ex CBI director Nageshwar Rao today
Every Indian’s Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Bank Account, Passport, Driving License, FasTag, DigiYatra, Mobile, DigiLocker, Property and Vehicle Registration, Payments, etc are all digitised and linked to each other, enables the Government ie BIG BROTHER to monitor and control any citizen.
Additionally, with cash transactions except small amounts made almost difficult, nay illegal, and all your money is locked up in the bank accounts, a citizen can be immobilised financially and pauperised in no time.
With so much digitisation forced by RSS-BJP Government and CC Cameras recording citizens activities in public places, Indians have absolutely NO privacy whatsoever notwithstanding SC ruling that Right to Privacy is an inalienable part of Fundamental Right to Life guaranteed by Article 21 of Constitution.
No wonder, the State and Police can illegally threaten with impunity anyone with dire consequences if they don’t fall in line
Should this be taken seriously?
This is a absolute lie written on behalf of corrupt people. What govt is doing is justified to check corruption
Feb 14
If you are a clean slate, nothing to hide, why you fear.S.Sankaran Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 10:02 PM, Rajesh Suri wrote:
Feb 14
May be but, must corruption stop through political party Congress + AAP etc???
Feb 14
No Not At All If A Person Is Not Doing Anything Wrong Then He/She Has Nothing To Fear About. In fact A Wonderful Job By The Government Of India
Feb 14
Caged parrot flapping it's wing. Amazing
Feb 14