Yoga poses for sciatic pain

Here are a few yoga poses that can reduce sciatic pain in less than 15 minutes.

A. Staff Pose (Dandasana)
This is a basic, seated pose. It will stretch your legs, flex your lower back, promote blood circulation in the aching areas, and release pressure from the sciatic nerve and give it room to breathe.
1. Sit on a mat with your legs outstretched in front of you and your hands at your sides with your palms touching the floor.
2. Stretch your legs by flexing your feet forward.
3. Pull your back up, and stretch your spine, lengthening it.
4. Take deep breaths, maintaining this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
5. Relax, and repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times.
B. Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)
This yoga exercise will strengthen your lower back and promote blood circulation to your lower hips.
Blood circulation in the lower back and areas below is often compromised due to pressure that builds up for a number of reasons, resulting in sciatic pain. Better circulation promotes healing and provides pain relief.
1. Lie face down and place your arms at your sides with your palms outwards. Your toes should point downward, touching each other, while the heels should be apart.
2. Make sure your chin touches the ground, your neck is elongated and your pubic bone is pushed down.
3. Take a deep breath and raise your legs, arms and chest simultaneously. Your knees should be lifted off the ground, your shoulders should come close together, and your neck should be straight.
4. Once you’ve lifted yourself up, exhale and stay in that position for 5 to 8 seconds. Stretch your back gently.
5. Next, maintaining that position, inhale and spread your legs apart, then exhale and bring them back in. Repeat this exercise 5 times. This is an addition to the traditional locust pose, which is especially effective in reducing sciatic pain.
6. Gently bring your body back down to the floor, fold your hands under your forehead and rest, face down, for 1 minute.
7. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times
C. Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
This is an incredibly effective yoga pose for gently stretching the lower back and major buttock muscles. Doing so will improve flexibility and allow movement in the areas where pain is made worse by constriction and inactivity.
t will also improve blood circulation that is critical to the proper functioning and recovering of any organ of the body.
1. Lie down on your back, with your knees bent and your feet firmly planted on the floor.
2. Draw in your heels close to your buttocks and place your arms, palms down, at your sides.
3. Exert pressure on the floor with your feet and palms for support, take a deep breath and gently lift your hips off the ground. Consciously push your tailbone up toward your pubic bone. Your shoulders, neck and head should stay on the floor, your lower back should be elongated, and your knees should be away from each other.
4. Maintain this position for 10 to 15 seconds, exhale and come back down.
5. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times. more  

View all 11 comments Below 11 comments
Yoga certainly gives relief from ailments but must be performed in right manner. Wrong postures will be harmful. more  
Yes Asanas ad Pranayamas cant' be simultaneously done when pain is there. Far Ortho conditions along with treatment rest is the first condition and then whe pain subsides traction is givef there is need . After the pain depending on the mobility of the patients Asanas will be recommended. more  
Dear friends, with due respect to all,plz dont jump on any poses before re-evaluating causes of sciatic any spinal disease there r grades at when such exercises helps.. without sketch or images ,b such description it wouldnt help,also it can be copied from various sites.i do not want to sound as critics to this post. my suggestion would be any such pain radiating to legs from lower back has to be distinguished from sciatica pain.secondly character of nerve pain is necessary to understand ..thirdly any inflamed nerve hardly allows movement of any muscles -it restricts the range of movements of specific joint.. so be careful in applying such form to ur body.. yes true that exercises in any form may say yoga or aerobic,anaerobic in form do help. hope my advise wont sound as critics and also wish my reply or post wont create more critics .. thankful to u..... more  
Thanks for the 3 yoga poses that will be helpful for the suffering. more  
Sir, for the people who are suffering from sciatica pain, you have given a good Priceless and life value yoga medicine to them. My friend, he is suffering from hamstring muscles pain due to this, he is not able to sit on the floor (or in the chair), not more than 5 min. Very sharp Pain in buttocks, L5 .. S1, and back of hips. And stiffness in back ribs. Kindly suggest any remedy, with which he can lead his life normally. Thank you. more  
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