The drinking water scarcity exist & its time to seriously think of water management part of this following steps to be taken:
1) identify water usage like Commercial (factory,car wash,hotels,hospitals,offices....) ,Household (cooking,toilets,gardening....).
2) quantify the daily usage based on critical & avoidable
3) change the way we use water ( Normal hand wash water can be used for gardening)
4) Identify small scale water treatment viability ( by usage of sand ,activated charcoal,cartridge filtering,percolation pits,rainwater rejuvenation techniques)
5) Promote planting trees in road sides,schools ...
6) Restrict uncontrolled sand excavation from rivers
7) Clean the small drainage network to avoid stagnation of waste to avoid any overflows.
8) protect water scale and underground water reserves from getting contaminated ( have toilets in each home,avoid toilet waste overflow,control excessive bore well usage)
Its better to conserve the reserve we have ....................................