Indian Oil Corporporation 0 000
1.75 / 5 4 Reviews
Indian Oil Corporation Limited,Chennai Divisional Office, No.500, NO.500, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Rostrevor Garden, Teynampet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600018, India
To condemn all Indane Distributors and delivery men because of a few black sheep, or your personal experience is totally unfair. My own Indane Distribution company is 50 years old, most my staff are working with us for over 3 5 years. Our complaint register kept near the entrance since 1971 has less than 35 complaints in 50 years.
Government is talking about eliminating corruption and also request payment online or through cards to pay the exact amount. How ever there is one commodity which when ordered and received demands corruption. the domestic gas cylinders are ordered on indane . When they deliver the refill the delivery person demands large sum to deliver it. Two years ago also we paid but it was nominal. But now a days the demand is more and is high for high rise buildings. when reported then immediately the local office asks detail of the sale including consumer no. etc. Giving consumer number and also giving complaints and attending to them on as required basis for Indane to verify it are all too cumbersome. Even when paid through banks the delivery person demands money. As consumers we want to know if the charges are for delivering at your house then why consumers have to pay extra. If it is said that from road to house kitchen is not covered then why is it not stated to the consumers. We the customers of Indane make a open request to rein in the delivery persons there by the agency itself to stop extra payment. IT IS A SHAME ON THE GOVERNMENT CORPORATION TO DEMAND EXTRA PAYMENT FOR DELIVERING ESSENTIAL COMMODITY TO ITS CUSTOMERS. I ALSO WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT 90 % OF THE DELIVERY BOYS DO NOT KNOW TO READ OR WRITE AND ARE EMPLOYED TO DELIVER CYLINDERS AND DEMAND EXTRAS. IT IS ATROCIOUS FOR AGENCIES TO DEMAND MORE (WHEN THEIR DELIVERY BOYS DEMAND IT IS VERY WELL KNOWN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM OF THE AGENCY AND I AM SURE EVERY ONE IN THE AGENCY SHARE THIS) IF THIS NCORRUPTION CANNOT BE STOPPED THEN ALL THE SWAATCH BHARAT ETC. ARE ALL NOT EFFECTIVE. PLEASE ACT AT ONCE.
1. Additional charges for online LPG booking
2. Rs.40 extra demand by LPG delivery person

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