Bureau of Indian Standards

https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/localcircles-s/img/localcircles_b_logo.jpg 0 000
3.00 / 5 3 Reviews
New Delhi
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Please strict with food adultaration company and vendors. With quality standards seal and stamp we feel safe for consuming product but during festive time no surity. Please gain public trust on your standards..
I suspect, few agencies create fake video and make it viral on whtsapp etc.. to make fear in public and making situation more worse then actual..
because why neighbouring country will make synthetic rice and vegitable for India and how come customs will allow it in India to sale.. I advice such fake videos should not be circulated. and your team take action against such video initiators. that should be shown on TV news channel so that people will know the reality.
Standard formulation and certification

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