Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore

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Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore
2.55 / 5 44 Reviews
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
There is a vast scope for improvement. The Organization should follow the methods used by BEST ( a part of Bombay Municipal Corporation) for better services and management.

------- Edited on 2022-07-30 -------

I have no idea who manages poles and transformers. If KPTC are the asset holders then should look for relocating these which are biggest hazard in terms safety and traffic. On the other hand if ESCOMs are responsible then both groups should sit and device methods to over come these. On top of every thing, they should chalk out plans for eco friendly power generation systems to tide over the power problem.
I can see in couple of areas especially in Panathur , electric poles are inside the road. These poles should be moved outside of the road. There is a heavy traffic blockage because of these poles.

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