Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore

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Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore
2.55 / 5 44 Reviews
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Poor quality service. When ever there is a rain or storm power is cut. There are frequent disruptions in power supply, often there are whole day power cuts in the name of maintenance. There is no shortage of power in India now. Apartment complexes have the worst experience since they are big consumers of powers so supply to Apartments is low on priority. But they dont realise that these are people from whom they get maximum revenue along with commercial complexes which funds the the free supply/theft (T&D losses). I would suggest competition in this area, the monopoly should be abolished.

------- Edited on 2021-07-02 -------

Very poor quality of supply, frequent power cuts. Constantly raising prices every year, no accountability
Voter ID issues and cancellation very poor
about BESCOM the less said the better. it works like a govt organisation which it is. recently CM gave a directive to Power minister to ensure proper power supply and avoid break in power supply. such directives have no impact as there is lot to be done to improve working of BESCOm, the performance should be audited by a technical team and and performance of engineers too. mere directives are not going to work. whenever there is load shedding it is never announced in papers. and when there is power failure all telphones incl call center is engaged .
BESCOM headed by the power minister is corrupt, in efficient, exorbitant charges for load sheeding and unwilling 2 buy fm power fm Central Govt under the pretext of NO Funds - Shame.

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