Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore

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Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore
2.79 / 5 33 Reviews
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
There is no place by name Bangalore. Also KPTCL is not responsible for power distribution. So asking any feedback about KPTCL by end users is not correct.
Power Outages due to inclement weather are caused by "Rats Nest" type wiring at Transformer points. This could be improved as per prescribed standards of power distribution. Trees being cut all over to prevent shorting due to falling branches, cant be avoided, all-together, but, frequent cutting of branches that interfere with wires, must be undertaken by BESCOM. Transformer preventative maintenance is not being carried out anywhere, and illegal connections are rampant all over especially at night.

------- Edited on 2018-07-04 -------

KPTCL is not responsible for power reaching my home (last mile). BESCOM is reponsible for this other than collecting money.
BESCOM employees are doing their best to cope with weather and almost no standard equipment to protect them from shock hazards. The main blam rests with BESCOM management, who are required to foresee problems and have the proper equipment available and on standby. But, this management is trained to be REACTIVE rather than PRO-ACTIVE. So, situation cant improve much.
However, that beng said, recenty, I have seen BESCOM cut trees that may cause power line shorts, in advance. I have also seen them replacing Transformers at road corners and removing the Rats Nest of wires connected to poles. Cleanup operation is going on, but, will take some time to complete. Illegal connections, people hanging wires on power lines and drawing illegal power, is still a menacing feature of the Bangalore Power Landscape. This needs to be lawfully handled.
We sincerely hope and pray that we will be spared the frequent and unscheduled power cuts in the coming years

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