Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore

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Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore
2.79 / 5 33 Reviews
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
there are unexplained power failures of brief duration now and then. issues are as below:
1.if there is a power failure or shut down why not send SMS to consumers how long the breakdown would be so they can plan their activity. if there are seniors dependent on oxygen and running O2 concentrators, power failure can prove cataclysmic. there are many like that in this city and prompt information can help a great deal. BESCOM appears to be unaware of such needs.
2. when there is a power failure all the so called helplines are busy. you only get the annoying music saying BESCOM is lighting up our lives when in fact it has made it completely dark. the call centres are continually engaged. one suspects deliberate avoidance of calls from public. BESCOM has to become more customer focussed. they are far short of that ideal.
3. while all the electr boards keep asking the regulator for more money, why not they disclose their operating technical parameters like line loss, power downtime percentage etc. the regulators also should focus on linking tariff increases with improvement in efficiency and customer service. the regulators are not playing their role in improving systems but merely acting as accountants granting tariff increases by bargaining.
4. such technical organisations like electricity boards ahould be subject to technical and financial audit not the usual govt audit but with focus on performance. such audits should be done by competent technical personnel with experience in that line.
5.politicians think that by doing surprise inspection and issuing orders things will get done. they do not care to take sustained steps to improve the organisation. unfortunately their actions are oriented to impress the public for short term gains, of course one needs politicians of calibre who have a positive attitude to bring real improvements. they are rare to find

------- Edited on 2017-06-18 -------

For consumers in Bangalore, the service provider is Bescom. There are two major issues with them.
1. Frequent power failure(other than scheduled cut) and low voltage supply to consumers continuously for several hours.
2. Periodically Bescom adds additional security deposit on consumer bills. Cosumers paying bills online pay SD also online. But the local billing staff writes on the bill printed by him the following month to pay SD immediately. The staff says it should be paid across the counter, but no such instruction online or the SD demand letter with instruction reaches consumers before it appears in online account of consumers.
Why this happens in Bescom. I recollect in BWSSB, the bill clerk added borewell charges wrongly to several consumers. When represented, the condition was first pay the bill. The following month it was withdrawn, a good way of fund collection. Is it something similar in Bescom too.
Unscheduled and erratic !

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