new delhi railway station 0 000
no sitting arragement
2.47 / 5 15 Reviews
Desh Bandhu Gupta Road
New Delhi
New Delhi Railway Station Car Parking,Qutab Rd, Kaseru Walan, Paharganj, New Delhi, Delhi 110006, India
Have you ever seen a VIP getting no reservation or seat in any of the train from anywhere to any where while have you ever seen that a common man getting reservation or confirmed seat from any where to any where if it has not been done at least 3-4 months prior a common man gets kick from the TTE pays through his nose and still travels on floor or near lavatory by paying to TTE, can some thing be done NO because there are hardly any trains as compared to the population travelling daily
The biggest problem of New Delhi station is entry on Paharganj side. Many times you miss train due to congestion on the entry road by eateries .My suggestion is that a multi storey building should be built away from station where all eateries should be housed in a systematic manner and area around station should be available free of encroachments for traffic .
New Delhi Railway station is much below the standard it should be. Poor sitting arrangement poor passenger amenity, porters are arrogant and no standard rates they charge what ever they can. To NRI and foreign passengers they charge exorbitant rates. No one to address this. Poor maintenance of waiting rooms and the rest room and wash basins are worst. The entry and exit gate to the station are always crowded by auto including the approach road so some time passenger miss hi/her train. Escalator does not function before 6 in the morning where as all satabdi trains departs early and it closes after 10 because no staff available. Ticket counter staff are not passenger friendly are arrogant and slow so the que keeps on longer.
require more improvement

------- Edited on 2016-10-07 -------

since being in center part of Delhi, required more expansion for growth.

------- Edited on 2016-10-07 -------

since being in center part of Delhi, required more expansion for growth.
there are hardly any sitting arrangement in new delhi railway station -most of the passengers have to sit on floors -this needs urgent attention in all platforms

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