I have accounts in SBI, Salt Lake, Sector I (code: 01612) Branch, Kolkata-700 064, West Bengal.
I have savings bank account with MOD (Multi-option fixed deposits) directly linked to my savings bank account. I can en-cash the sums in my MOD account at any time using the internet banking or cheque. ( I do not have SBI debit card. I do not want because of my past horrific experiences with the SBI debit card).
The MODs are automatically created from any excess amount in my SB account for a tenure of one year.
In May 2015, I applied for one such MOD to be converted for a tenure of 5 years and keep it linked to my SB account.
The MOD with a tenure of 5 years was created by the SBI, but it was not linked to my SBI account for any time withdrawal in case of such need in a emergency.
The SBI mislead me for months that it is linked to my SB account for any time withdrawal.
In October 2015, when I insisted that if it be so, it shall appear as MOD balance during internet banking.
After about another two weeks after several phone calls, SBI now clarifies that since the tenure is changed to 5 years and since I am getting senior citizen interest rate, it is not linked!!!
SBI considers that the senior citizen client, who is much more likely to require emergency access of his funds for his medical emergency, is not given the benefit!!!