Sitemap - Posts
• I too agree. Cast, creed, religion based devide by reservation is no more good for any body in count
• We need think tanks circles who can interact on many issues concerning bettering of life style in In
• Yes. But what kind of politics? You have to be with the like minded people. Presently, in Indian sce
• The following list is a bit long, but worth going through! especially suggestions on problems with
• I agree and believe no one is looking for recognition as we all want clean and honest polities with
• Yes sir I agree with you fully it is a daring effort of Arvind which has brought India to this histo
• Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain invites suggestions on improving health infrastructure in Delhi
• I am 100% with Mr. Joginder Pal ji, AAP first shd try to settle in Delhi rather looking LS election.
• ● सावधान मित्रों अगर खाने पीने कि चीजों के पैकेटो पर निम्न कोड लिखे है तो उसमें ये चीजें मिली हुई है
• Nature
• Afternoon naps are highly suggested by Neurologists. Napping daily improves memory, attention span &
• here are some lines of a Kavita which I had read long back during my school days, but not able to re
• Chandra, if auditors ie chartered accountants feels that they have active role to play in carrying o
• Dear Naveen, I do not feel that people are joining AAP for any personal gains. If I take my own exam
• NO, he want some more evidence and also mor parson to attack on Sheela the most corrupt politician
• Why does everyone wants to join AAP - Fame, Money, Political Career, Honest Work - Can't we do it al
• One More question i have if anyone wants to comment on this,Before Elections Arvind said he has 370
• Rumors
• Subsidy
• Priyanka Its self confidence and believe that matters at last. We common men and women will change
• Arvind Kejarival giving water free but what is this .Drinking water flowing on road due to pipe leak
• Besically m from bihar anyone have a idea who is cheaf (AAP )in bihar because no of people want to j