Fraud: Street Style Store
Signed 1/3000
Online Signatures: 1
First of all I ordered a pair of shoes 1 month back and it took ages to get delivered and whenever I tried to contact them via phone or email, nobody ever responded. Secondly, when I received the product, not only its quality was so bad but also it looked pathetic and there is big difference in its colour. I ordered cherry coloured shoes and somehow I received orange-maroonish coloured shoes. Now, I understand that these guys don't have "money refund policy" but I can't accept these shoes. I want them to either make an exception and refund my hard earned money or I will have to take a legal action against this website. I was super excited to receive these shoes and kept telling my friends about how trendy stuff this website has but I'm highly disappointed and I will try to tell as many people as possible to never shop from this place. I've been brutally misguided and to prove it to you I'm attaching the picture of shoes shown on the website and the actual picture of the shoes which looks absolutely funny. Since there was no reply from them, I have filed a complaint against this company in National Consumer Helpline and now I'm taking this to consumer court.
Connected ConsumersJan 19