Stop Advertisements on Paid Channels on TV
Signed 219/3000
Online Signatures: 219

The advertisements on the paid channel on TV is practically a headache for the viewers. The advertisements take up the prime time of the main programme. A programme of half an hour is cut short by almost 20 mins to accommodate the advertisements. I do agree that advertisements and 30 mins of Tele-shopping are important for Free-To-Air Channels because they have to meet the Telecast costs but the same does not hold good for paid channels. The consumer is paying for the programme and not for meaningless advertisements. It has been observed on several occasions that an important telecast is stopped to place stupid advertisements. If advertisements are important then they have to be placed before the main programme or after the end of the programme and NEVER in the middle of the programme. Once the Programme starts there should be NO BREAK. This applies to all paid channels belonging to any category like news, entertainment, Movies etc.
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Prime Minister
Minister of Consumer Affairs
Prime Minister
Minister of Consumer Affairs
Connected ConsumersJan 06