I have collected some reading material( See Below) on FOOD packaging materials. Iam sure, that this awareness will help consumers.

The principal roles of food packaging are to protect food products from outside influences and damage, to contain the food, and to provide consumers with ingredient and nutritional information (Coles 2003). Traceability, convenience, and tamper indication are secondary functions of increasing importance. The goal of food packaging is to contain food in a cost-effective way that satisfies industry requirements and consumer desires, maintains food safety, and minimizes environmental impact.
Food packaging can retard product deterioration, retain the beneficial effects of processing, extend shelf-life, and maintain or increase the quality and safety of food. In doing so, packaging provides protection from 3 major classes of external influences: chemical, biological, and physical.
Chemical protection minimizes compositional changes triggered by environmental influences such as exposure to gases (typically oxygen), moisture (gain or loss), or light (visible, infrared, or ultraviolet). Many different packaging materials can provide a chemical barrier. Glass and metals provide a nearly absolute barrier to chemical and other environmental agents, but few packages are purely glass or metal since closure devices are added to facilitate both filling and emptying. Closure devices may contain materials that allow minimal levels of permeability. For example, plastic caps have some permeability to gases and vapors, as do the gasket materials used in caps to facilitate closure and in metal can lids to allow sealing after filling. Plastic packaging offers a large range of barrier properties but is generally more permeable than glass or metal.
Biological protection provides a barrier to microorganisms (pathogens and spoiling agents), insects, rodents, and other animals, thereby preventing disease and spoilage. In addition, biological barriers maintain conditions to control senescence (ripening and aging). Such barriers function via a multiplicity of mechanisms, including preventing access to the product, preventing odor transmission, and maintaining the internal environment of the package.
Physical protection shields food from mechanical damage and includes cushioning against the shock and vibration encountered during distribution. Typically developed from paperboard and corrugated materials, physical barriers resist impacts, abrasions, and crushing damage, so they are widely used as shipping containers and as packaging for delicate foods such as eggs and fresh fruits. Appropriate physical packaging also protects consumers from various hazards. For example, child-resistant closures hinder access to potentially dangerous products. In addition, the substitution of plastic packaging for products ranging from shampoo to soda bottles has reduced the danger from broken glass containers.

Any assessment of food packaging's impact on the environment must consider the positive benefits of reduced food waste throughout the supply chain. Significant food wastage has been reported in many countries, ranging from 25% for food grain to 50% for fruits and vegetables (FAO 1989). Inadequate preservation/protection, storage, and transportation have been cited as causes of food waste. Packaging reduces total waste by extending the shelf-life of foods, thereby prolonging their usability. Rathje and others (1985) found that the per capita waste generated in Mexico City contained less packaging, more food waste, and one-third more total waste than generated in comparable U.S. cities. In addition, Rathje and others (1985) observed that packaged foods result in 2.5% total waste—as compared to 50% for fresh foods—in part because agricultural by-products collected at the processing plant are used for other purposes while those generated at home are typically discarded. Therefore, packaging may contribute to the reduction of total solid waste.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission defines traceability as "the ability to follow the movement of a food through specified stage(s) of production, processing and distribution" (Codex Alimentarius Commission 2004). Traceability has 3 objectives: to improve supply management, to facilitate trace-back for food safety and quality purposes, and to differentiate and market foods with subtle or undetectable quality attributes (Golan and others 2004). Food manufacturing companies incorporate unique codes onto the package labels of their products; this allows them to track their products throughout the distribution process. Codes are available in various formats (for example, printed barcodes or electronic radio frequency identification [RFID]) and can be read manually and/or by machine.

Convenience features such as ease of access, handling, and disposal; product visibility; resealability; and microwavability greatly influence package innovation. As a consequence, packaging plays a vital role in minimizing the effort necessary to prepare and serve foods. Oven-safe trays, boil-in bags, and microwavable packaging enable consumers to cook an entire meal with virtually no preparation. New closure designs supply ease of opening, resealability, and special dispensing features. For example, a cookie manufacturer recently introduced a flexible bag with a scored section that provides access to the cookies. A membrane with a peelable seal covers the opening before sale and allows reclosure after opening. Advances in food packaging have facilitated the development of modern retail formats that offer consumers the convenience of 1-stop shopping and the availability of food from around the world. These convenience features add value and competitive advantages to products but may also influence the amount and type of packaging waste requiring disposal.

Willful tampering with food and pharmaceutical products has resulted in special packaging features designed to reduce or eliminate the risk of tampering and adulteration. Although any package can be breeched, tamper-evident features cannot easily be replaced. Tamper-evident features include banding, special membranes, breakaway closures, and special printing on bottle liners or composite cans such as graphics or text that irreversibly change upon opening. Special printing also includes holograms that cannot be easily duplicated. Tamper-evident packaging usually requires additional packaging materials, which exacerbates disposal issues, but the benefits generally outweigh any drawback. An example of a tamper-evident feature that requires no additional packaging materials is a heat seal used on medical packaging that is chemically formulated to change color when opened.

Packaging may serve other functions, such as a carrier for premiums (for example, inclusion of a gift, additional product, or coupon) or containers for household use. The potential for packaging use/reuse eliminates or delays entry to the waste stream.
Materials Used in Food Packaging
Package design and construction play a significant role in determining the shelf life of a food product. The right selection of packaging materials and technologies maintains product quality and freshness during distribution and storage. Materials that have traditionally been used in food packaging include glass, metals (aluminum, foils and laminates, tinplate, and tin-free steel), paper and paperboards, and plastics. Moreover, a wider variety of plastics have been introduced in both rigid and flexible forms. Today's food packages often combine several materials to exploit each material's functional or aesthetic properties. As research to improve food packaging continues, advances in the field may affect the environmental impact of packaging.
The primary method of regulation is through the food contact notification process that requires that manufacturers notify prior to marketing a food contact substance (FCS) for a new use. An FCS is "any substance intended for use as a component of materials used in manufacturing, packing, packaging, transporting or holding of food if the use is not intended to have a technical effect in such food" All FCSs that may reasonably migrate to food under conditions of intended use are identified and regulated as food additives unless classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances.
Glass has an extremely long history in food packaging; the 1st glass objects for holding food are believed to have appeared around 3000 BC (Sacharow and Griffin 1980). The production of glass containers involves heating a mixture of silica (the glass former), sodium carbonate (the melting agent), and limestone/calcium carbonate and alumina (stabilizers) to high temperatures until the materials melt into a thick liquid mass that is then poured into molds. Recycled broken glass (cullet) is also used in glass manufacture and may account for as much as 60% of all raw materials. Glass containers used in food packaging are often surface-coated to provide lubrication in the production line and eliminate scratching or surface abrasion and line jams. Glass coatings also increase and preserve the strength of the bottle to reduce breakage. Improved break resistance allows manufacturers to use thinner glass, which reduces weight and is better for disposal and transportation (McKown 2000).
Because it is odorless and chemically inert with virtually all food products, glass has several advantages for food-packaging applications: It is impermeable to gases and vapors, so it maintains product freshness for a long period of time without impairing taste or flavor. The ability to withstand high processing temperatures makes glass useful for heat sterilization of both low- acid and high-acid foods. Glass is rigid, provides good insulation, and can be produced in numerous different shapes. The transparency of glass allows consumers to see the product, yet variations in glass color can protect light-sensitive contents. Finally, glass packaging benefits the environment because it is reusable and recyclable.
Like any material, glass has some disadvantages. Despite efforts to use thinner glass, its heavy weight adds to transportation costs. Another concern is its brittleness and susceptibility to breakage from internal pressure, impact, or thermal shock.
Metal is the most versatile of all packaging forms. It offers a combination of excellent physical protection and barrier properties, formability and decorative potential, recyclability, and consumer acceptance. The 2 metals most predominantly used in packaging are aluminum and steel.
Aluminum . Commonly used to make cans, foil, and laminated paper or plastic packaging, aluminum is a lightweight, silvery white metal derived from bauxite ore, where it exists in combination with oxygen as alumina. Magnesium and manganese are often added to aluminum to improve its strength properties (Page and others 2003). Unlike many metals, aluminum is highly resistant to most forms of corrosion; its natural coating of aluminum oxide provides a highly effective barrier to the effects of air, temperature, moisture, and chemical attack.
Besides providing an excellent barrier to moisture, air, odors, light, and microorganisms, aluminum has good flexibility and surface resilience, excellent malleability and formability, and outstanding embossing potential. It is also an ideal material for recycling because it is easy to reclaim and process into new products. Pure aluminum is used for light packaging of primarily soft-drink cans, pet food, seafood, and prethreaded closures. The main disadvantages of aluminum are its high cost compared to other metals (for example, steel) and its inability to be welded, which renders it useful only for making seamless containers.
Aluminum foil . Aluminum foil is made by rolling pure aluminum metal into very thin sheets, followed by annealing to achieve dead-folding properties (a crease or fold made in the film will stay in place), which allows it to be folded tightly. Moreover, aluminum foil is available in a wide range of thicknesses, with thinner foils used to wrap food and thicker foils used for trays. Like all aluminum packaging, foil provides an excellent barrier to moisture, air, odors, light, and microorganisms. It is inert to acidic foods and does not require lacquer or other protection. Although aluminum is easily recyclable, foils cannot be made from recycled aluminum without pinhole formation in the thin sheets.
Laminates and metallized films . Lamination of packaging involves the binding of aluminum foil to paper or plastic film to improve barrier properties. Thin gauges facilitate application. Although lamination to plastic enables heat sealability, the seal does not completely bar moisture and air. Because laminated aluminum is relatively expensive, it is typically used to package high value foods such as dried soups, herbs, and spices. A less expensive alternative to laminated packaging is metallized film. Metallized films are plastics containing a thin layer of aluminum metal (Fellows and Axtell 2002). These films have improved barrier properties to moisture, oils, air, and odors, and the highly reflective surface of the aluminum is attractive to consumers. More flexible than laminated films, metallized films are mainly used to package snacks. Although the individual components of laminates and metallized films are technically recyclable, the difficulty in sorting and separating the material precludes economically feasible recycling.
Tinplate . Produced from low-carbon steel (that is, blackplate), tinplate is the result of coating both sides of blackplate with thin layers of tin. The coating is achieved by dipping sheets of steel in molten tin (hot-dipped tinplate) or by the electro-deposition of tin on the steel sheet (electrolytic tinplate). Although tin provides steel with some corrosion resistance, tinplate containers are often lacquered to provide an inert barrier between the metal and the food product. Commonly used lacquers are materials in the epoxy phenolic and oleoresinous groups and vinyl resins.
In addition to its excellent barrier properties to gases, water vapor, light, and odors, tinplate can be heat-treated and sealed hermetically, making it suitable for sterile products. Because it has good ductility and formability, tinplate can be used for containers of many different shapes. Thus, tinplate is widely used to form cans for drinks, processed foods, and aerosols; containers for powdered foods and sugar- or flour-based confections; and as package closures. Tinplate is an excellent substrate for modern metal coating and lithoprinting technology, enabling outstanding graphical decoration. Its relatively low weight and high mechanical strength make it easy to ship and store. Finally, tinplate is easily recycled many times without loss of quality and is significantly lower in cost than aluminum.
Tin-free steel . Also known as electrolytic chromium or chrome oxide coated steel, tin-free steel requires a coating of organic material to provide complete corrosion resistance. Even though the chrome/chrome oxide makes tin-free steel unsuitable for welding, this property makes it excellent for adhesion of coatings such as paints, lacquers, and inks. Like tinplate, tin-free steel has good formability and strength, but it is marginally less expensive than tinplate. Food cans, can ends, trays, bottle caps, and closures can all be made from tin-free steel. In addition, it can also be used to make large containers (such as drums) for bulk sale and bulk storage of ingredients or finished goods (Fellows and Axtell 2002).
Plastics are made by condensation polymerization (polycondensation) or addition polymerization (polyaddition) of monomer units. In polycondensation, the polymer chain grows by condensation reactions between molecules and is accompanied by formation of low molecular weight byproducts such as water and methanol. Polycondensation involves monomers with at least 2 functional groups such as alcohol, amine, or carboxylic groups. In polyaddition, polymer chains grow by addition reactions, in which 2 or more molecules combine to form a larger molecule without liberation of by-products. Polyaddition involves unsaturated monomers; double or triple bonds are broken to link monomer chains. There are several advantages to using plastics for food packaging. Fluid and moldable, plastics can be made into sheets, shapes, and structures, offering considerable design flexibility. Because they are chemically resistant, plastics are inexpensive and lightweight with a wide range of physical and optical properties. In fact, many plastics are heat sealable, easy to print, and can be integrated into production processes where the package is formed, filled, and sealed in the same production line. The major disadvantage of plastics is their variable permeability to light, gases, vapors, and low molecular weight molecules.
There are 2 major categories of plastics: thermosets and thermoplastics (EPA 2006b). Thermosets are polymers that solidify or set irreversibly when heated and cannot be remolded. Because they are strong and durable, they tend to be used primarily in automobiles and construction applications such as adhesives and coatings, not in food packaging applications. On the other hand, thermoplastics are polymers that soften upon exposure to heat and return to their original condition at room temperature. Because thermoplastics can easily be shaped and molded into various products such as bottles, jugs, and plastic films, they are ideal for food packaging. Moreover, virtually all thermoplastics are recyclable (melted and reused as raw materials for production of new products), although separation poses some practical limitations for certain products.
There have been some health concerns regarding residual monomer and components in plastics, including stabilizers, plasticizers, and condensation components such as bisphenol A. Some of these concerns are based on studies using very high intake levels; others have no scientific basis. To ensure public safety,Food regulators, reviews and regulates substances used to make plastics and other packaging materials. Any substance that can reasonably be expected to migrate into food is classified as an indirect food additive subject to FDA regulations. A threshold of regulation—defined as a specific level of dietary exposure that typically induces toxic effects and therefore poses negligible safety concerns (21 CFR §170.39)—may be used to exempt substances used in food contact materials from regulation as food additives. FDA revisits the threshold level if new scientific information raises concerns. Furthermore, FDA advises consumers to use plastics for intended purposes in accordance with the manufacturer's directions to avoid unintentional safety concerns.
Despite these safety concerns, the use of plastics in food packaging has continued to increase due to the low cost of materials and functional advantages (such as thermosealability, microwavability, optical properties, and unlimited sizes and shapes) over traditional materials such as glass and tinplate (Lopez-Rubio and others 2004). Multiple types of plastics are being used as materials for packaging food, including polyolefin, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinylidene chloride, polystyrene, polyamide, and ethylene vinyl alcohol. Although more than 30 types of plastics have been used as packaging materials (Lau and Wong 2000), polyolefins and polyesters are the most common.
Polyolefins . Polyolefin is a collective term for polyethylene and polypropylene, the 2 most widely used plastics in food packaging, and other less popular olefin polymers. Polyethylene and polypropylene both possess a successful combination of properties, including flexibility, strength, lightness, stability, moisture and chemical resistance, and easy processability, and are well suited for recycling and reuse.
The simplest and most inexpensive plastic made by addition polymerization of ethylene is polyethylene. There are 2 basic categories of polyethylene: high density and low density. High-density polyethylene is stiff, strong, tough, resistant to chemicals and moisture, permeable to gas, easy to process, and easy to form. It is used to make bottles for milk, juice, and water; cereal box liners; margarine tubs; and grocery, trash, and retail bags. Low-density polyethylene is flexible, strong, tough, easy to seal, and resistant to moisture. Because low-density polyethylene is relatively transparent, it is predominately used in film applications and in applications where heat sealing is necessary. Bread and frozen food bags, flexible lids, and squeezable food bottles are examples of low-density polyethylene. Polyethylene bags are sometimes reused (both for grocery and nongrocery retail). Of the 2 categories of polyethylene, high-density polyethylene containers, especially milk bottles, are the most recycled among plastic packages.
Harder, denser, and more transparent than polyethylene, polypropylene has good resistance to chemicals and is effective at barring water vapor. Its high melting point (160 °C) makes it suitable for applications where thermal resistance is required, such as hot-filled and microwavable packaging. Popular uses include yogurt containers and margarine tubs. When used in combination with an oxygen barrier such as ethylene vinyl alcohol or polyvinylidene chloride, polypropylene provides the strength and moisture barrier for catsup and salad dressing bottles.
Polyesters . Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE), polycarbonate, and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) are polyesters, which are condensation polymers formed from ester monomers that result from the reaction between carboxylic acid and alcohol. The most commonly used polyester in food packaging is PETE.
Polyethylene terephthalate . Formed when terephthalic acid reacts with ethylene glycol, PETE provides a good barrier to gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) and moisture. It also has good resistance to heat, mineral oils, solvents, and acids, but not to bases. Consequently, PETE is becoming the packaging material of choice for many food products, particularly beverages and mineral waters. The use of PETE to make plastic bottles for carbonated drinks is increasing steadily (van Willige and others 2002). The main reasons for its popularity are its glass-like transparency, adequate gas barrier for retention of carbonation, light weight, and shatter resistance. The 3 major packaging applications of PETE are containers (bottles, jars, and tubs), semirigid sheets for thermoforming (trays and blisters), and thin-oriented films (bags and snack food wrappers). PETE exists both as an amorphous (transparent) and a semicrystalline (opaque and white) thermoplastic material. Amorphous PETE has better ductility but less stiffness and hardness than semicrystalline PETE, which has good strength, ductility, stiffness, and hardness. Recycled PETE from soda bottles is used as fibers, insulation, and other nonfood packaging applications.
Polycarbonate . Polycarbonate is formed by polymerization of a sodium salt of bisphenol acid with carbonyl dichloride (phosgene). Clear, heat resistant, and durable, it is mainly used as a replacement for glass in items such as large returnable/refillable water bottles and sterilizable baby bottles. Care must be taken when cleaning polycarbonate because using harsh detergents such as sodium hypochlorite is not recommended because they catalyze the release of bisphenol A, a potential health hazard. An extensive literature analysis by vom Saal and Hughes (2005) suggests the need for a new risk assessment for the low-dose effects of this compound.
Polyethylene naphthalate . PEN is a condensation polymer of dimethyl naphthalene dicarboxylate and ethylene glycol. It is a relatively new member of the polyester family with excellent performance because of its high glass transition temperature. PEN's barrier properties for carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor are superior to those of PETE, and PEN provides better performance at high temperatures, allowing hot refills, rewashing, and reuse. However, PEN costs 3 to 4 times more than PETE. Because PEN provides protection against transfer of flavors and odors, it is well suited for manufacturing bottles for beverages such as beer.
Polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), an addition polymer of vinyl chloride, is heavy, stiff, ductile, and a medium strong, amorphous, transparent material. It has excellent resistance to chemicals (acids and bases), grease, and oil; good flow characteristics; and stable electrical properties. Although PVC is primarily used in medical and other nonfood applications, its food uses include bottles and packaging films. Because it is easily thermoformed, PVC sheets are widely used for blister packs such as those for meat products and unit dose pharmaceutical packaging.
PVC can be transformed into materials with a wide range of flexibility with the addition of plasticizers such as phthalates, adipates, citrates, and phosphates. Phthalates are mainly used in nonfood packaging applications such as cosmetics, toys, and medical devices. Safety concerns have emerged over the use of phthalates in certain products, such as toys (FDA 2002; Shea 2003; European Union 2005). Because of these safety concerns, phthalates are not used in food packaging materials in the United States (HHS 2005); instead, alternative nonphthalate plasticizers such as adipates are used. For example, di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) is used in the manufacture of plastic cling wraps. These alternative plasticizers also have the potential to leach into food but at lower levels than phthalates. Low levels of DEHA have shown no toxicity in animals. Finally, PVC is difficult to recycle because it is used for such a variety of products, which makes it difficult to identify and separate. In addition, incineration of PVC presents environmental problems because of its chlorine content.
Polyvinylidene chloride . Polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) is an addition polymer of vinylidene chloride. It is heat sealable and serves as an excellent barrier to water vapor, gases, and fatty and oily products. It is used in flexible packaging as a monolayer film, a coating, or part of a co-extruded product. Major applications include packaging of poultry, cured meats, cheese, snack foods, tea, coffee, and confectionary. It is also used in hot filling, retorting, low-temperature storage, and modified atmosphere packaging. PVdC contains twice the amount of chlorine as PVC and therefore also presents problems with incineration.
Polystyrene. Polystyrene, an addition polymer of styrene, is clear, hard, and brittle with a relatively low melting point. It can be mono-extruded, co-extruded with other plastics, injection molded, or foamed to produce a range of products. Foaming produces an opaque, rigid, lightweight material with impact protection and thermal insulation properties. Typical applications include protective packaging such as egg cartons, containers, disposable plastic silverware, lids, cups, plates, bottles, and food trays. In expanded form, polystyrene is used for nonfood packaging and cushioning, and it can be recycled or incinerated.
Polyamide . Commonly known as nylon (a brand name for a range of products produced by DuPont), polyamides were originally used in textiles. Formed by a condensation reaction between diamine and diacid, polyamides are polymers in which the repeating units are held together by amide links. Different types of polyamides are characterized by a number that relates to the number of carbons in the originating monomer. For example, nylon-6 has 6 carbons and is typically used in packaging. It has mechanical and thermal properties similar to PETE, so it has similar usefulness, such as boil-in bag packaging. Nylon also offers good chemical resistance, toughness, and low gas permeability.
Ethylene vinyl alcohol . Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl alcohol. It is an excellent barrier to oil, fat, and oxygen. However, EVOH is moisture sensitive and is thus mostly used in multilayered co-extruded films in situation where it is not in direct contact with liquids.
Laminates and co-extrusions . Plastic materials can be manufactured either as a single film or as a combination of more than 1 plastic. There are 2 ways of combining plastics: lamination and co-extrusion. Lamination involves bonding together 2 or more plastics or bonding plastic to another material such as paper or aluminum (as discussed in the section on metal). Bonding is commonly achieved by use of water-, solvent-, or solids-based adhesives. After the adhesives are applied to 1 film, 2 films are passed between rollers to pressure bond them together. Lamination using laser rather than adhesives has also been used for thermoplastics (Kirwan and Strawbridge 2003). Lamination enables reverse printing, in which the printing is buried between layers and thus not subject to abrasion, and can add or enhance heat sealability.
In co-extrusion, 2 or more layers of molten plastics are combined during the film manufacture. This process is more rapid (requires 1 step in comparison to multiple steps with lamination) but requires materials that have thermal characteristics that allow co-extrusion. Because co-extrusion and lamination combine multiple materials, recycling is complicated. However, combining materials results in the additive advantage of properties from each individual material and often reduces the total amount of packaging material required. Therefore, co-extrusion and lamination can be sources of packaging reduction. Paper and paperboard
The use of paper and paperboards for food packaging dates back to the 17th century with accelerated usage in the later part of the 19th century (Kirwan 2003). Paper and paperboard are sheet materials made from an interlaced network of cellulose fibers derived from wood by using sulfate and sulfite. The fibers are then pulped and/or bleached and treated with chemicals such as slimicides and strengthening agents to produce the paper product. FDA regulates the additives used in paper and paperboard food packaging (21 CFR Part 176). Paper and paperboards are commonly used in corrugated boxes, milk cartons, folding cartons, bags and sacks, and wrapping paper. Tissue paper, paper plates, and cups are other examples of paper and paperboard products.
Paper . Plain paper is not used to protect foods for long periods of time because it has poor barrier properties and is not heat sealable. When used as primary packaging (that is, in contact with food), paper is almost always treated, coated, laminated, or impregnated with materials such as waxes, resins, or lacquers to improve functional and protective properties. The many different types of paper used in food packaging are as follows:
• Kraft paper—Produced by a sulfate treatment process, kraft paper is available in several forms: natural brown, unbleached, heavy duty, and bleached white. The natural kraft is the strongest of all paper and is commonly used for bags and wrapping. It is also used to package flour, sugar, and dried fruits and vegetables.
• Sulfite paper—Lighter and weaker than kraft paper, sulfite paper is glazed to improve its appearance and to increase its wet strength and oil resistance. It can be coated for higher print quality and is also used in laminates with plastic or foil. It is used to make small bags or wrappers for packaging biscuits and confectionary.
• Greaseproof paper—Greaseproof paper is made through a process known as beating, in which the cellulose fibers undergo a longer than normal hydration period that causes the fibers to break up and become gelatinous. These fine fibers then pack densely to provide a surface that is resistant to oils but not wet agents. Greaseproof paper is used to wrap snack foods, cookies, candy bars, and other oily foods, a use that is being replaced by plastic films.
• Glassine—Glassine is greaseproof paper taken to an extreme (further hydration) to produce a very dense sheet with a highly smooth and glossy finish. It is used as a liner for biscuits, cooking fats, fast foods, and baked goods.
• Parchment paper—Parchment paper is made from acid-treated pulp (passed through a sulfuric acid bath). The acid modifies the cellulose to make it smoother and impervious to water and oil, which adds some wet strength. It does not provide a good barrier to air and moisture, is not heat sealable, and is used to package fats such as butter and lard.
Paperboard . Paperboard is thicker than paper with a higher weight per unit area and often made in multiple layers. It is commonly used to make containers for shipping—such as boxes, cartons, and trays—and seldom used for direct food contact. The various types of paperboard are as follows (Soroka 1999):
• White board—Made from several thin layers of bleached chemical pulp, white board is typically used as the inner layer of a carton. White board may be coated with wax or laminated with polyethylene for heat sealability, and it is the only form of paperboard recommended for direct food contact.
• Solid board—Possessing strength and durability, solid board has multiple layers of bleached sulfate board. When laminated with polyethylene, it is used to create liquid cartons (known as milk board). Solid board is also used to package fruit juices and soft drinks.
• Chipboard—Chipboard is made from recycled paper and often contains blemishes and impurities from the original paper, which makes it unsuitable for direct contact with food, printing, and folding. It is often lined with white board to improve both appearance and strength. The least expensive form of paperboard, chipboard is used to make the outer layers of cartons for foods such as tea and cereals.
• Fiberboard—Fiberboard can be solid or corrugated. The solid type has an inner white board layer and outer kraft layer and provides good protection against impact and compression. When laminated with plastics or aluminum, solid fiberboard can improve barrier properties and is used to package dry products such as coffee and milk powder. The corrugated type, also known as corrugated board, is made with 2 layers of kraft paper with a central corrugating (or fluting) material. Fiberboard's resistance to impact abrasion and crushing damage makes it widely used for shipping bulk food and case packing of retail food products.
Paper laminates . Paper laminates are coated or uncoated papers based on kraft and sulfite pulp. They can be laminated with plastic or aluminum to improve various properties. For example, paper can be laminated with polyethylene to make it heat sealable and to improve gas and moisture barrier properties. However, lamination substantially increases the cost of paper. Laminated paper is used to package dried products such as soups, herbs, and spices.

The use of paper and paperboards for food packaging dates back to the 17th century with accelerated usage in the later part of the 19th century (Kirwan 2003). Paper and paperboard are sheet materials made from an interlaced network of cellulose fibers derived from wood by using sulfate and sulfite. The fibers are then pulped and/or bleached and treated with chemicals such as slimicides and strengthening agents to produce the paper product. FDA regulates the additives used in paper and paperboard food packaging (21 CFR Part 176). Paper and paperboards are commonly used in corrugated boxes, milk cartons, folding cartons, bags and sacks, and wrapping paper. Tissue paper, paper plates, and cups are other examples of paper and paperboard products.
Paper . Plain paper is not used to protect foods for long periods of time because it has poor barrier properties and is not heat sealable. When used as primary packaging (that is, in contact with food), paper is almost always treated, coated, laminated, or impregnated with materials such as waxes, resins, or lacquers to improve functional and protective properties. The many different types of paper used in food packaging are as follows:
• Kraft paper—Produced by a sulfate treatment process, kraft paper is available in several forms: natural brown, unbleached, heavy duty, and bleached white. The natural kraft is the strongest of all paper and is commonly used for bags and wrapping. It is also used to package flour, sugar, and dried fruits and vegetables.
• Sulfite paper—Lighter and weaker than kraft paper, sulfite paper is glazed to improve its appearance and to increase its wet strength and oil resistance. It can be coated for higher print quality and is also used in laminates with plastic or foil. It is used to make small bags or wrappers for packaging biscuits and confectionary.
• Greaseproof paper—Greaseproof paper is made through a process known as beating, in which the cellulose fibers undergo a longer than normal hydration period that causes the fibers to break up and become gelatinous. These fine fibers then pack densely to provide a surface that is resistant to oils but not wet agents. Greaseproof paper is used to wrap snack foods, cookies, candy bars, and other oily foods, a use that is being replaced by plastic films.
• Glassine—Glassine is greaseproof paper taken to an extreme (further hydration) to produce a very dense sheet with a highly smooth and glossy finish. It is used as a liner for biscuits, cooking fats, fast foods, and baked goods.
• Parchment paper—Parchment paper is made from acid-treated pulp (passed through a sulfuric acid bath). The acid modifies the cellulose to make it smoother and impervious to water and oil, which adds some wet strength. It does not provide a good barrier to air and moisture, is not heat sealable, and is used to package fats such as butter and lard.
Paperboard . Paperboard is thicker than paper with a higher weight per unit area and often made in multiple layers. It is commonly used to make containers for shipping—such as boxes, cartons, and trays—and seldom used for direct food contact. The various types of paperboard are as follows (Soroka 1999):
• White board—Made from several thin layers of bleached chemical pulp, white board is typically used as the inner layer of a carton. White board may be coated with wax or laminated with polyethylene for heat sealability, and it is the only form of paperboard recommended for direct food contact.
• Solid board—Possessing strength and durability, solid board has multiple layers of bleached sulfate board. When laminated with polyethylene, it is used to create liquid cartons (known as milk board). Solid board is also used to package fruit juices and soft drinks.
• Chipboard—Chipboard is made from recycled paper and often contains blemishes and impurities from the original paper, which makes it unsuitable for direct contact with food, printing, and folding. It is often lined with white board to improve both appearance and strength. The least expensive form of paperboard, chipboard is used to make the outer layers of cartons for foods such as tea and cereals.
• Fiberboard—Fiberboard can be solid or corrugated. The solid type has an inner white board layer and outer kraft layer and provides good protection against impact and compression. When laminated with plastics or aluminum, solid fiberboard can improve barrier properties and is used to package dry products such as coffee and milk powder. The corrugated type, also known as corrugated board, is made with 2 layers of kraft paper with a central corrugating (or fluting) material. Fiberboard's resistance to impact abrasion and crushing damage makes it widely used for shipping bulk food and case packing of retail food products.
Paper laminates . Paper laminates are coated or uncoated papers based on kraft and sulfite pulp. They can be laminated with plastic or aluminum to improve various properties. For example, paper can be laminated with polyethylene to make it heat sealable and to improve gas and moisture barrier properties. However, lamination substantially increases the cost of paper. Laminated paper is used to package dried products such as soups, herbs, and spices.

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All carry "M.I.'s" 1 year warranty.       [ ]( # ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/DuKfKm2hxc8J6WZVtp43rO6SfjRxQALcYek08LRcxUQJF-e0K5hgwY1Y9tWj3AYoMFoBkTHIkJPzNscoXpeYeQSwdWE3o80ca_Oc5pb4oXOggrTwTJ-o5jI0WsIysslZ-mNwpuePy5y_9RGMV3n72f2FQVYp_XC1POVQrqGR8E8-L776htTe2HVda9-C25KHugvbz2p7R2w5smxSJcuD8RHulw5xDxvvwcC0lh42eEb6VTCRHOWabHU-beXGe7spxPDgS5lLq_G8NlTKKyljngxtxI7S8iUQ3sv7HluHYHw4AFsZVb85KISrsiYx96BY54sjUPfxpGlXRE8_-ewkuylBywjYoAmiGPEwVyDdJvgPlDmEjQ ) We understand the hardships...   Hardships of the parents, hardships of teachers, hardships of every such individual who is now compelled to work from home; be it student or the the professional now computer set is must. we decided to help all such people by providing the complete set including UPS to save your machine for longer life. In comparison to laptops desktop is robust & long  lasting and also cheap & best ! For getting this deal, please click the button below:   [ Button ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/9nV0RZ0K-1iDxyxUKXYjxCefaAWW7WjapKpxw7mt7E2g4RUhknop_Tya0gHkNFDUZhwPmcn4SPoezY4xCwG9jWbCpTUnknBYiFBq1csPdH3K0DdeU4UMQ7ASqyk-17QVA7iJJ-z-KAoHb0BwkFqGjRH1TgRJ8A6PhS9i2a3PyDgZ-WAiWDldrQaxBCCXRT-LmCwCeXbDo21PqckPH4siipaxof0z9rECmpsSOLpJaYbKWBJ1Fb1qCkkmfbQzEizAZKzzsuhkTab-GG7r3mkcT1mX5vWx6uNjUUn4tcD9LJcO1ZCHzwG3k0K3bywJQIwLagPl7JWnvnCf8TLIQw0MPJ0g342elvoMPT6botrDypHqIcXAXg ) [ ]( # ) [ ]( # )   SIGMA INSTITUTE Delhi Cell: 9899075161 [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/23RiqwPVK17vMPTzb0cvLXGSYYWfId7dceTEE7SLCilno7IuZpoD31ETqlGj8UZEswk3ELabKIXilAEPen78SS-Lhu_HiJgGWuH5Ici9sCY4fDmBEBPiKlvHt4TN99S6Lfnc1uIDh269l6BPZ99wCLxLmTejy4QGNbXeANzdVWo9FXGqXmfE7dYcDYjdY7r2z7HDZb0yvHPMDiWuT3x7Keo1i-S3duLy76vi81EaTEifn74qllPT5Gdpia0B7AXzDrnM5oJXaLgWieOdjKOQl2W2p8QxRQ557LJUaFn7t-gG_0EvTVFH3tNrKFh82L83wrBxC2nxZYYSCehP_77dKKL6mN4J_A ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/9JlADOCB576LzgaP1OwAOTa7ThWOKs07i2YggdRZn8ULgUYn_ATwXAG8Zhf-n32oddjdKlrf-jKDtudVrWNr29Y0vQwEWXQexYtn4Rtvxca9JRv0cqZzbXWsope0AOND4KKiN-Kzv0-inRNuYom-cEG-H0mWlhZwDplX1BxbQQeeFnA3HMUxCIiQSEfJokqSE_Q77KcpJmVpbrv_LsP8IZIecg7Q7M8fzzd35C3StXvik0GFoGyEnL7879CAXUk2pon3i_BStnWSo1n_lR4ZzGwUz7cOEDkLnJgqQeVDbPm5TlORpErNFuPY7OX6CzYmBfY_jxcrRm8TXvm6t1a4mGzK6w ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/BfmAtys9fXjUSab2t1H8T2d86TY1PPOgaUuV5OPUDp98y8hqJfb5vKACoX4dIVWYdXI-LvuLuBbOFHbB_JNfUyY5JJoDVvoOHT8o630P4-fDUdFAaIn8ZAOoIF_kSFT8X1iOf4m3GfJJqGwugngr8L6SND-FsalAex9Q0o-0RW8WiYAYL1i-DJ72r7HOnudJXl0BfGyrQyvPvIElx78taqIJeE3YUSqXgRh4V2vSPQmT7lIbpp89szH0OqVgzvHvbx1FtP50toxwICzApRuJAjwifJ5HRXQa7DYsDAi_NvUDHH8GS8wys-1JQNMAg19EPYJVt-DWceGvk5jpojDkuXI ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/uwD8QZ4V7_PGhVD1aeI9-_gDiS9nqK_jQHmvsrSiqYhxplTN7PDBdOFaRjzdfC2TTPyXBuqyUZjU7Q1z0vg1EQQ_GoqhrVYvwQTk3FWGqLOHDZ8hoWQ32YAn3hybQx-ZoATgBSP3fKtlqI4ZCn4olxsYwPuG4EhLrMOoyqTlx8ukLue8vurD1458siz0HHf31PKrU3DhL4c841evj9COQwwi0jSPt4ulBuAfbsychQWpCyM1c5kT85KqIYx6rJPg_H9GF08eiHQ3N1BTT-1z-gVbcXAoXpu1cRtsBeyQFROG0urlFAgQlrB21RNCwZSU5OGONUwIUI4FN4IILvHPuQq1a3aYv7PNfcOzDes ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/RPabgWh7CxlmU5gEn-11Bl3IIG030Klk12n0Z-bT-eFwPPXAq8p2qZWDbtlIOmeAdtO_updB71ra94tYjxVRL6fbnjzjlWMCvgxHHDKPa1JpFR9AyZQnTyxtFt5yEZnG18Vra9ir-Erjwzfj4tlnqcgvyHVBiHFPf8JdfpANg6TYXVjQYrjc_XKolFUtfXmFgkzcQFc8eLLo7oYn9hFIpk840vOL1lu93nqcOFvT6f2lnF5s8Ex9ljZiEw9fSyjprnpofVMMln3cZpiwYMXb7yD8CSiNbHNdq6xUxuuMCDxv1Ihw5QHpk6ZSIE344uMBVOgObBQ59eORA9dcHf9OHjWtbnM6Lw ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/rbLjlOGu4teWBpWXbyHe8-Wc27ssJuF5acPttwpY9r_mda2IN9D2Vh3yvBylkLX78h62NeIvKZH71jdpLouj822-U9P1vgAqIdMwEpi103XudGVwMz3vlWpI9O5_i4Uv_WRhkMmdFRKxbg-yUpywcqpbi1QqTVx3_b6JraK3hG_NxAO4_LKV_XS1LSuv9mdoMbKCTNm3h7b86yj89PXEdGw4dprOUNzVEV-F_Yu0D1GXsyc6x39ZB7Ws6ZRYnFEkg4cfZS6wIZJUK0M1XaG-Kb_hScy4VMwJX9DD8bqA-v4aNGGIiBzVR4I4qeKzbPeok1EOiA8YnR5EXFR-vV3XCEYxSe1FPAScdM0WaTS9PWhwkr_x5jlT0kLLZmf_uBwS3YZhDsk0hKcT0X2TTuI ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/pXAaVJE2Gpy7Rjn_N-RS1_ZQJfOxmdvgd70iuVBvqKQAGk5asMfQ-uAFcQkvcPKfxBjHzzo1SHP7YFYXisx7a8Jj4RnVAQXkzoxDuX1xAGXsdzuyuhiO4dqLcTt90gwRY5x2e5zkroIEd_czSj0yAryEaD_sLNa60wzjM7QO79-_pYrpxTsWoBKhKum4BhY3DODI_W0i0PiePqRjf56Q2gDbaEybVBJM5dWy5Ys-xokMY0uuNNjJnI8eREviR7XZemIzoctd77JPwdU_NFNbkFrg02dTEdWEZXk9u7tQv6ENEZvPMscLeR2a5jL1pcotmCjxTZGzDNjklHik8Q5ZLb0c3Cu-6lJ3asa7w3WZ ) [ ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/cl/f/FosD3QdciylSdhLT6JRxTzcAMibrKo5I-y7mYiDGVR7vsj2Uew3FG_ahqv2TbPygdOsR7QK8VnOW9bkfzPMW6O2roItiauZlBQolgouefyPx0_gHtRbuoJLGXHVDSnbESlxmylr2ktLna-q4_ZSCr0RCyje1htEZxoB3BZjaPN2GNmLFxUuBSwhl153RL6m0Dfw6XAppvC8yxT4WfXdo82_pvjkiOGhbhGbfeg2HQGMYuvHzumZ5F77ianfgFcZH5O4RTRtiYu0Q-YrSdoc3LACSKqlOro1eRsNy7y33uK1Sja5dQ3bONDjymAlSH8Hlr9LsfZIbSCWSgcNUysYCEZk_18xfFNva4Gvh )   [ ]( # )   You received this email because you are registered with Sigma Institute   [ Unsubscribe here ]( http://r.sigma-institute.website/mk/un/eVo7Eq6Gdxzu1is5SHwAroWvbhaaZnw4wIRq8cUELpzLw6ZlnBgp23xTIqPhhFGBNYss26C60sx5Szw4egHCUayrST2peQx_PDCjD5pyZfiVW7M0JN2DUDXtc90MTJYPSUlpmC8Nxi-GpKVkV4r8mzzqIKjHvuh_mnct1_B4gGhMNntI-dkIbNwYNDH3zOf6RwVWBFPckDjw8lVwtewpuSwsdjQ )   [ ]( # )   © 2020 Sigma Institute   more  
Great efforts by Krishnan ji. I shall try to follow to the best of my efforts in my rest of the life. more  
That was an exhaustive article with fund of information. Ms. Kalavthy had mentioned about the glass being the safest . Like wise Jars are also safe for packing and preserving for salty, sour and pungent food items like Pickles . Now I have some doubts of suitable packing materils for different food types : 1.Alcohol - glass bottle is best , what about PET ? 2.Cooked thermally hot and spicy liquid food like gravy being packed in plastic containers in big hotels and in roadside hotels in plastic bags and pouches.- Is it safe ? 3. Raw non veg sea as well as land foods are packed in plastic of various hues. Is there any classification between colour of the bags that attributes to safety. 4. For pickles , sauce of various types are are also packed in plastic bottles of mineral water bottle quality . Is it safe ? Will be grateful hear and follow advice to avoid toxicity . more  
The modern day packaging for food and other items are the big non-biodegradable waste and tones of it is created which is rendered useless once the contents of packaging is taken out. This plastic of all form waste is the pan in the ass for all the municipals world-over. This is in fact the bane of the industry to push the product in such packaging. Once the contents there in are consumed, the empty packaging in the hands of consumer is as one is holding a snake and one is in a hurry to dispose it off. These packaging have polluted everything, the earth, the water and the air, even the contents which it contained once. This non-biodegradable packaging must be stopped and people are require to carry their own bags and container to get the consumables, like we did in good old days. Other issue of concern is the Meteorology Law which requires the industry to disclose the various parameters of the contents. These are such that they hide more than what id disclosed and a consumer is always on the receiving end. People are required to be made aware about these Meteorology Rules and be better aware. more  
Glass bottles are good for food like pickles which stay longer than in plastic bottlles. This is because of the sand origin, sand being a protection against radiation. Aluminium vessels to cook or store food are suspect for the increased instances of Alzheimer's disease. Article is very edifying but too long. Maybe the Comments should have a facility for attachment. Thanks are due to Shri Krishnan for the trouble taken to educate us readers. Maybe he could have a website display and send us the address for us to read on the internet. Thanks Shri Krishnan. L.Kalavathi Retd. Bank Official Chennai, Tamilnadu, India 28/04/2017 more  
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