One of the activity that need to be kept on scanner is the parking mafia in Delhi. I had submitted an application under RTI Act to MCD for an unauthirsed illegal parking on Mathura Road. Even though the application was returned on a technical ground (RTI fee was not drawn properly), it resulted into eviction of parking site managed by unscrupulous people. The main point was I was troubled on that night between 1.30 AM to 3.00 AM by those people ringing my door bell. This is just a tip of the iceberg. more
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Good work sir, In Pondicherry if you see, there is an instance in the Directorate of Animal Husbandry, the Director who is presently holding the post is only a current duty director, the supreme court has directed the government to revert him back to the Veterinary Asst. Surgeons post immediately, but nothing has been done so far-reason his clout with the CM and the department secretary. No action has been taken , it will be nice if some one can get this information through RTI and do the needful. The Animal Husbandry which can cater to the needs of the poor farmer is only cheating them and the public at large. Lot of milch animals have been given on paper but still there is acute shortage of milk. The secretaries are not proactive, they just sit in their a c rooms and draw their salary. In pondicherry there is utter chaos in every department, god save these wonderful place!!!!!!!!! more
Jun 27
It is sad that our politicians, whom we chose to protect us, are themselves involved in such illegal dealings. Their objective is to make money and yield more power. See, how Maha Govt has told NGOs that they are not required to fight corruption and it is Govt's job to check corruption. They want us to believe that those involved in corrupt practices will put themselves behind bar. What a mockery of DEMOCRACY. more
Jun 27
Like Mr. Virmani was pestered by some people, there is a need to build an army from amongst us, who can pester such unsocial elements. Mind you they are not many. Once we are an army we should operate like one. What I mean is, if one falls the others like our jawans should continue until the goal is achieved. May the whistler blowers tribe grow and so also the army of GOOD WISHERS. Jai Hind. more
Jun 27