Let us go through the Food and Adulteration Act which covers all products ts related to food, including water for drinking (which is not mixed with any thing ie only for drinking purpose). Aerated is also overed.
Milk business starts at 5.00 hrs in Morning, how many food inspectors are out of bed at yhat time except communist period of the month. more  

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I feel every time we need not to expect every thing from FSSAI. SD Kulkarni Pune On 7 Mar 2017 09:22, "RAJIV MEHTA" wrote: > more  
If it is not appropriate the what is alternate? Give alternate to proceed forward n not to block the progress. I hv posted targets n invited more, hv u thought about it? We hv to improve this field for se vice n practice for which we retired n out of system people r going to work. On 7 Mar 2017 12:42, "Yogendra Kumar Gupta" wrote: > more  
We all know about Good Knight or All Out Mposquito Vaporisers . Recently I purchased a package of 4 which had in BOLD Letters inscribed on the package 33 % LONGER PROTECTION but the Liquid was 45ml as in earlier Normal Packing . When I took up the issue of Deceptive Packing I am told as the % of TRASFLUTHRINIS more 1.6(w/w) as compared to earlier 0.88% so the same liquid will last for 60days against 45 days earlier though bulk of liquid ( oderless Kerosene is 97-96 % in both cases & the Electrical Vaporiser is also same . I am unable digest clarifications as below offered by MFR . May be some one from the LOCAL CIRCLES could clarify pl . The Mfr. have clarified that ":with same liquid quantity (45ml)." & added that The higher MRP product has a higher strength of 1.6% active ingredient and the lower MRP product has a strength of 0.88%. Hence the cost the product will be higher in this product owing to the higher concentration of the product. -The lower and the higher MRP product will last for 45 days/nights and 60 days/nights respectively in normal mode in ideal conditions and hence the new product is claimed for 33 % more protection with reference to the number of days of usage 22 vs 30 days and 45 vs 60 days. So the advertisement is for more days compared to the earlier product. -'The increased size of the Refill Pack is to visually differentiate between the lower and the higher MRP product refills. Since the higher MRP Refill will last 33% more days/nights as compared to the lower MRP Refill, the size of the Refill Pack is increased to visually communicate this aspect. I wish to seek clarification about the ill effects of higher TRANSFLUTRIN on the Health OF New Born babies to elderly persons There must be some norms laid down by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare or Ministry Chemicals & Fertilisers or by Weights & Measures Deptt . INTRODUCTION Transfluthrin is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, [1] available in the market as 0.88% w/w liquid vaporiser. It is a repellent insecticide, generally used for the control of mosquitoes in the household. It is also the primary insecticide in certain products for killing wasps and hornets, including their nests. [1],[2] Pyrethroids are 2250 times more toxic to insects than mammals because insects have increased sodium channel sensitivity, smaller body size, and lower body temperature. [3] In humans, their ingestion give rise to burning facial sensation, itchy face sensation, tingling face sensation, paresthesia, skin irritation, mucosal irritation, respiratory tract irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea, epigastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, muscle twitching, salivation, running nose, and convulsions. [4] Case Report A 25-year-old female was brought to the emergency department with a history of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, and altered sensorium. She was weighing around 55 kgs. She had given history of ingestion of two bottles (refills) of mosquito repellent available in the house, 2 h before she was brought to the hospital. (Each refill containing 45 ml (396 mg) transfluthrin). On examination, patient was conscious, pupils bilaterally semi constricted and sluggishly reactive to light. On auscultation of lungs crepitations were present bilaterally. Respiratory rate was 28/min. Blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg. In emergency ward, gastric lavage was performed and then continuous gastric aspiration was started through Ryles tube. Oral syrup charcoal 10 ml was given, and Ryles tube was closed at proximal end for some time. Then again aspiration through Ryles tube was continued. Atropine 0.6 mg, pantoprazole 40 mg and ondansetron 4 mg were given intravenously. Tonic-clonic convulsions were observed after 1 h of admission in the emergency ward. Injection phenytoin 700 mg bolus, injection diazepam 10 mg, injection hydrocortisone 100 mg, injection frusemide 20 mg, were administered intravenously. Oxygen enrichment was continued. However, patient had continuous uncontrolled convulsions. Then patient was shifted to intensive care unit and midazolam 5 mg and propofol 100 mg (80 mg + 20 mg) were administered intravenously. Endotracheal intubation was successfully performed with 7.5 mm ID endotracheal tube, and cuff was inflated and oxygen enrichment at 4-6 L/min via T-piece was initiated. Midazolam 4 mg/h and propofol 200 mg/h IV infusions were started. SpO 2 was maintained at 100%. Blood pressure was 94/62 mmHg. Pulse rate was 74/min. Arterial blood gas (ABG) reports were normal. Neurophysician advised IV mannitol (20%)100 ml twice a day and IV phenobarbitone (SOS) for seizures. Patient was seizure free for few hours but again seizures started, and not controlled even with repeat doses of phenytoin, midazolam, propofol, and phenobarbitone. At that time blood pressure was 80/40 mm of Hg, respiratory rate was 35/min, pulse rate was 190/min, and SpO 2 was 95%. Serum potassium, calcium, and sodium were 2.98 mmol/L, 2.5 mmol/L and 129 mmol/L, respectively. Injection dopamine was started at 10 μgm/kg/min. Potassium chloride 1.5 g and hypertonic saline were administered. Despite repeated doses of phenytoin, midazolam, propofol and phenobarbitone, seizures were not controlled. Elective ventilation was planned after muscle paralysis to control seizures. Patient was paralyzed by injection vecuronium 4 mg bolus and 4 mg/h IV infusion , and put on controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) mode for elective ventilation. Vecuronium was continued at 4 mg/h. Blood pressure further decreased gradually and dopamine dose was increased and propofol infusion was stopped. ABG reports did not show any changes. Computed tomography scan of brain and chest X-ray were normal. Input/output charting for fluids was maintained. Central venous pressure remained at 5-8 cm H 2 O. Patient was kept on a ventilator for 48 h electively and then gradually weaning started. Vecuronium and midazolam infusion were stopped, and mode of ventilation was changed to synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV). Airway pressure support was set to 15 cm H 2 O with positive end expiratory pressure of 4 cm H 2 O. Patient′s pulse rate was 102 beats/min, blood pressure 132/82 mmHg and SpO 2 remained above 96%. Patient had total leucocyte count on day 1 of 7200/mm 3 and it increased to 22,000/mm 3 on the day 2, 32,000/mm 3 on the day 3 and 13,000/mm 3 on the day 4, all with neutrophilia without other signs of septicaemia, although antibiotics were continued. The counts decreased to 4000/mm 3 on day 6. After 48 h on ventilator, dopamine infusion was tapered down in next 6 h and then stopped. About 6 h on SIMV mode, spontaneous respiration was noticed at 16 breaths/min. Muscle relaxation was reversed with inj. neostigmine 2.5 mg and inj.glycopyrrolate 0.4 mg. Patient started breathing spontaneously with adequate tidal excursion and followed verbal commands and then extubated. Oxygen through mask was given at flow of 4-5 L/min. Respiratory rate was 25 breaths/min, blood pressure was 108/72 mmHg and pulse rate, 119/min. Pupils were normally reacting to light. Patient was nebulised with mistabron 3 mg, repeated 8 hourly. Patient was referred to psychiatrist for counselling. On the day 4, patient was shifted to ward and discharged uneventful from hospital on 7 th day. DISCUSSION The pyrethrins are a pair of natural organic compounds normally derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium that have potent insecticidal activity. Pyrethrins are neurotoxins that attack the nervous systems of all insects. [5] In the 1800s, it was known as ′Persian Insect Powder′, ′Persian Pellitory′, and ′Zacherlin′. They affect the flow of sodium out of the nerve cells in insects, resulting in repeated and extended firings of the nerves, causing the insects to die. [6] Transfluthrin is a pyrethroid available at home as liquid mosquito repellent. In humans after oral ingestion highest levels of the transfluthrin in tissues are found in liver and kidney, lowest levels are found in the brain. Excretion is rapid, 74-90% in urine within 48 h. There are no indications of its accumulation in the body. The liver is the main organ responsible for metabolism. [7] Increased neutrophilic counts were a matter of worry because it was thought to be due to some fulminating infections, but there were no other signs of sepsis. Literature search revealed that the poison causes severe neutrophilocytosis, and this decreases over 3-4 days. [8],[9],[10] The same happened in the present case. Seizure in pyrethroid neurotoxicity is believed to be due to its ability to modify sodium, chloride and calcium channels of the neurons. Their main effects are on sodium and chloride channels. Pyrethroids modify the gating characters of voltage-sensitive sodium channels to delay their closure. If the delay is sufficiently long it lowers the action potential threshold and causes repetitive firing, which may be the mechanism of paraesthesia. Relatively high concentration of pyrethroids can also act on GABA-gated chloride channels, which may be responsible for the seizures. [3] Convulsions generally occur after consumption of doses above 500 mg and their frequency can be 10-30 times a day. Severe cases may be associated with pulmonary oedema. [11] Tachycardia in this case raises the possibility that the cardiac arrhythmia due to pyrethroid poisoning can occur due to its effect on sodium channels in the heart. This patient had seizures not controlled by conventional drugs like phenytoin, midazolam, propofol and phenobarbitone. The patient had to be paralysed and ventilated with management of haemodynamics, leading to successful recovery. CONCLUSION Tranfluthrin poisoning may lead to unusual increases in leucocyte counts which is self limiting. The seizures can however be resistant to standard anti convulsants and may need neuromuscular paralysis and controlled mechanical ventilation. more  
FSS Act was enacted by parliament in 2006 to consolidate the laws relating to food and to establish the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected therewith or incidental there of Food Safety and Standards Rules, 2011 was made on the basis of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006) or FSS Act, 2006 and in exercise of the powers conferred by section 91 of FSS Act read with the sections 5,7,30,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,45,46, 47,68,70,71,73,74,75,76,77,78,81,82,83 and 84, Whose objective is “ to consolidate the laws relating to food and to establish the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 2.1.2: 1 QUALIFICATION of the Designated Officer shall be a whole time Officer, not below the rank of Sub-Divisional Officer or equivalent and shall possess a minimum of bachelors’ degree in Science with chemistry as one of the subjects or at least one of the educational qualifications prescribed for the Food Safety Officer under these Rules He shall Undergo training as may be specified by the Food Authority, within a period of six months from the date of his appointment as Designated Officer. Many others including food officer can be appointed under PF Duties and responsibilities are subjective with QUALIFICATION OF FOOD SAFETY OFFICER: is too wide from medical degree to degree in chemistry with clauses for other ad-hoc ism. Duties include regular inspection Food analyst qualifications similar: role identification and linkages vague Possible Too much procedural norms than technical protocol. 17 Food analyst shall determine if samples size (no norm?) for each food materials or adjunct, prescribed container, time of sending Adjudication, appeal etc. Salary leave , resignation, removal, fee, sitting hours of appellate tribunal, summons, etc. etc, right relax the rules IN NUTSHELL THERE IS MORE EMPHASIS ON REACTIVE MECHANISMS THAN PROACTIVE PREVENTIVE ACTIONS OR ANY PROCEDURE WITH WICH THE PUBLIC CAN KNOW IF THE FOOD BOUGHT BY THEM IS SAFE TO USE. OR ANY PLACE WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MATERIAL TESTED. Adulteration has to be chemically analyzed, presence of toxin by toxicologists, and microbes or its effect through microbiologist. Even in norms HACCP has to be recognized for each product / material. The types of harvesting/ collecting, transport, processing, packing or retail if any etc. etc. more  
Adulterated/sub-standard food products would survive so long they receive patronage from consumers. I find in our apartment complex, a no. of residents -although having car for commutation as also going for morning/evening walks - do not drop in the shops selling branded/sealed milk, but prefer to depend on milkman - some of them purchasing pouches from those shops and diluting with water and selling at cheaper rates! One famous confectioner/restaurant's license was cancelled in the noon time , but he was back in the business from the very afternoon. License was cancelled for one name, but 'business as usual' continued in another name. We consumers also feel proud either to give treats or to get treats in the same premises. more  
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