It is very common in my state that unless you pay them bribe for getting a basic requirement such as Marriage certificate, community certificate, other requirements for school / college children with related to their studies, getting a house / villa number, application to get a ration card, papers required to get a gas connection receiving electrical connection to the individual house/ flat / and group of people in villas etc are being delayed for various reasons although they take large amount as bribe. Despite collecting large amount on various reasons, they bring new rules and regulations and requirements o get those documents and in turn harass the public in common unless you have influence with political parties and other influential person. The issuance of documents are centralized through a portal, people can enter the details through their close friends, children, relative etc and to get the document within 02 working days. There are villages who introduced those system and it is effectively working and general public is receiving their documents on time. This has been made very fruitful and convenient to the general public. To get a house number I had been trying for more than 8 months and the construction was started since 05 years. Out of 25 villas only 5 persons have received the numbers as of date. As of date Power supply is not provided although all documents and payment have been made to the concerned department. more
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initially it has been spread in all sectors and all type of workers starting from scavenger to Ministers level. Unless otherwise a stringent action is taken against those nothing can be done to solve this problem. Judiciary should not enter into this aspect to show their mercy to the culprits. more
Nov 25
All the schools having separate deptt./ persons appointed to accept cash without any receipt before admission of child. more
Nov 25
Similarly in my State M.P. Corruption is heavily invovle in Govt.Offices.There is no control on it. more
Nov 25
Politicians are root cause of all evils, but it is difficult to get rid of them. more
Nov 25
Now the situation seems to be better .The corruption is encouraged by the politicians so bribery can be stopped if actions are taken against them first and then the erring officials more
Nov 20