Adulteration and Chemical ripening be curbed

why the food inspectors not go round the whole sale and retail markets and seize the chemicals and the chemically ripened fruits and prosecute the offenders and send a clear message instead of allowing the practice and asking people to experiment with and find out the chemical ripening? It is their job. Also the import of such chemicals be banned especially from China. more  

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Dear Fateh Chauhan : You are very naive in expecting the FSSAI officials or the Health inspectors to "conduct raids in market places " and seize the artificially ripened/coloured fruits and/or vegetables. Do you not see the reason..??.. How can you be so naive..??.. The whole distribution channel, whether it is the wholesaler or retailer or the local pan wala or the anaaj wala arr mostly members and FUND providers of the BJP...!!.. How can you expect the party bite its own roots..??.. No wonder, despite having the " GOVT'S inflation figures at Record low levels " OUR COST OF LIVING HAS NOT COME DOWN EVEN AN INCH "..!!.. Every where we turn, WE HAVE TO PAY HIGHER PRICE AND OUR SALARIES ARE NOT ABLE TO MATCH THE MARKET DEMANDS..!!.. THIS IS THE REALITY..!!.. THE BIRTH OF NDA GOVT AFTER THE DEATH OF UPA II GOVT HAS NOT MADE A DIFFERENCE TO THE AVERAGE CITIZEN LIKE YOU AND ME....!!!.. The Chemicals for artificial coloring or ripening the fruits and vegetables need not always have to be imported. THEY ARE AVAILABLE LOCALLY ALSO but Govt. should show the will to take Action..!!.. THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN...!!.. AND THAT IS THE TRAGEDY...!!.. more  
I agree on the 'why' FSSAI and Health inspectors ...... more  
Lot of debate is going on now a days on issues relating to food quality, chemical ripening of fruits, adulteration of milk and other foods, etc. In practice, we see, ill practices are continuing. Why ? When abroad, the same "we" strictly follow each and every rule. Why we do that there ? Answer is simple. Down the money does not work there. However, at our place only it works most of the time. So debate alone is not going to work. It is time to act on account of : - i) Not being the party to bribe - both ways -taking and giving, ii) Bring the cases of things happening against the rule, to the notice of higher ups - repeatedly irrespective of whether they take action or not, iii) contribute suitably in creation of awareness in society, iv) any action not covered above but deemed fit. Get involved for the betterment of the society. more  
Kulkarni Sir that people are already doing - the point is where is the FSSAI and health inspectors doing what they are supposed to do. more  
There is no system in place to check the performance of many departments in every State. Like Education Deptt., there are more than 35% ghost employees in Health Department. 2 years back, Punjab Dy. CM raided HO of Health Deptt. and found 160 out 190 employees absent but no one could be suspended or a thorough enquiry ordered as the whole system of governance has rottened during the last 7 decades. The CM does not want to annoy any group of people as he keeps an eye on winning next election. Unless every official is made accountable and his salary is linked to performance, nothing is going to change. more  
this forum is great and a wonderful way of communicating key issues ...Aniruddha adulteration I feel is not petty issue as well as issues such as corruption etc. more  
Aniruddha in corporate there is a saying - a new person has a honeymoon period or where after joining he or she gets 1 month to accommodate himself or herself and the deliver.
What the past government has done or not done for the citizens of India is not important - what the present government has done or should do is more important - I think Modijji and team are doing their part but it has to be made visible. At the same time critical aspects such as the recent decision of Rudy on doing away with the skill development target which was decided by the same government as it was not able to meet it gives a negative impression of the ability of the government on the one side I appreciate what our current government is doing but at the same time it has to deliver more as the expectations are not more but adequate ...and fair more  
Have a little patience and faith in the Government you have voted. As they say Rome was not built in a day. We will complete 70 years of independence on 15th August. The corrupt Govt of Congress and their allies and corrupt regional parties have ruled the nation for 62 years.

In those yeas the corruption is mantra in all Public institutions, may it be Central, State, Municipalities of local village bodies.

Give some time to this Govt they will clean it up one by one.

Our duty is to bring to their attention where urgent action is required.
Focus on bigger issues.

What ai m seeing this forum that we are wasting our time on petty issues. more  
If they do it, who will pay them monthly and their means of extra income will dry up. If people continue to consume the contaminated fruits and drinks and fall seriously ill, it will open the avenues for the doctors and hospital walas to loot the patients and these corrupt officials may find out addtional sources for extra income here as well. more  
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