Corruption Corruption Corruption

If we recall, both the Centre as well as the Delhi authorities (I mention Delhi because we live in this city) had openly and boldly declared as one of their major election manifestos "to end and erase corruption" in this country.

Yet, the LocalCircles pages are full of members' lamentations resenting having to face corruption in day-to-day dealings.

May be, the LocalCircles should do a poll on this subject also, and repeat it at regular intervals.

Because, this is something that requires regular monitoring. more  

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The mind set of the people is to exploit the opportunity, when ever possible. If the CBI officials are corrupt, how can we expect others to be honest. Delhi government has initially done something, but not followed up properly. more  
I m sure there must be many people who worked in govt deptt. How do they feel when we talk about corruption Which was nurtured during their service more  
Shri Satya Pal Ratti's Post emphasises on monitoring. Most likely results may show only status quo - i.e. no change in situation. What are first needed are a method/ action for improving the situation and then monitoring progress of improvement (assumed to be result of action). Therefore first step is design a method or action that we should take. To design an action we must know reasons for corruption. As Shri Prithvi Nath Bhargava has Posted corruption is omnipresent in Indian Society. However as darkness of long time can be removed/ eliminated by a small flame and subsequently make the entire area well lighted by bigger lamps etc. it is possible to overcome the omnipresent demon of corruption by united and sustained effort of people. We are all selfish barring a few exceptions. If there is a long queue for a ticket or something else we attempt, wherever possible, to jump the queue and get ahead out of turn. This thinking MUST change. Mute question is what should be done? We should remember on 15th of August 1947 British did not endow us with freedom, but they only transferred power to congress party and Muslim League for the region that was under their control. British did not /could not enforce transfer of Power even in cases of various kingdoms in Indian Peninsula that were not directly controlled by them. It was left to various Kings, India and Pakistan to decide the modality. Therefore there is no wonder that entire Administrative structure, its ideology, purpose and method of enforcement remained unchanged. You may observe that various High Courts and Supreme Court decisions refer even today to laws enacted by British to rule India in 19th century. These laws did not and certainly do not apply now to U.K. citizens. Before 15-08-1947 administration was working for His or Her Majesty and from 26-01-1950 that should have been working for Indian Citizens as they have (notionally) become the Masters now. However we do not see even a glimpse of that idea in the administrative staff and even Politicians, elected by people as their representatives. What can and possibly should be done on priority is suggested to be as follows: ADMINISTRATION I entirely agree with Late Shri Rajesh Purohit that on 15-08-1947 there was only transfer of Power and India did not really became free or independent. I also believe you would also agree with this view, if not entirely to a very large extent. Our Executive cadre – from Peon/Chaparasi to Chief Secretary of any State considers himself to be a Representative of Ruler and treats the people of India as Subjects i.e. objects to be RULED. If we were really independent People of India should have been the Rulers and Executives should have the attitude and gratitude of server of Ruler. We do not see even a flicker of that approach. How to rectify the situation? Some of the changes considered urgently desirable are listed below: 1. The names of various positions/designations should be changed to include word “SEWAK” and exclude word “OFFICER”. For example Chief Secretary should be “Mukhya Shaskiy Sevak”, “Clerck” shall be “Lipik Sewak (Dept. Name say Tahasil Karyalay)” and like. Though it is a long time program impressing on the minds of executives that they have to offer “Sewa” to Citizens of India, it is more likely to eliminate unnecessary fear in the minds of Citizens much faster and make them aware that executives have to serve interest of people of India rather than any individual. 2. Levels of hierarchy MUST be reduced to not more than four – Lipik Sewak, Vibhag Sevak, Up Shaskiy Sewak, and Shaskiy Sewak levels (equivalent to Clerk, Section Officer, Deputy Secretary and Secretary) . This will enable for speedy decision making as well as responsibility fixing. The principle that authority can and may be delegated but Responsibility cannot be delegated or shared must be imbibed and practiced strictly. Accordingly Responsibility has to be framed for each level of work. 3. All GOVT./Public Sector/Public dealing Offices under the control of GOVT. MUST be totally digitalized. All applications should normally be received on line and receipt acknowledged by system. If any application is received as hard copy, same should be scanned and processed as soft copy. Hard copy received from Applicant is preserved in a special file for the purpose, to be referred in case of dispute by Applicant in respect of contents of his application. 4. All works done – initiated by office or in response to any application or complaint are categorised and time allotted at each desk for dealing such work is assessed (preferably by work study) and recorded as a list to be used by system. This list, once prepared cannot be modified except documented concurrence and reasons for addition or alteration by Executive of Shaskiy Sewak level/rank. Movement of file shall be by system only without any interference by or reference to any individual (including Top Boss). If the file has moved to next stage without required work completed or endorsed by executive of the Desk, personal record of the executive is updated accordingly and is given -2 or -5 marks as defined by the program. 5. Public sewak should shoulder responsibility for his actions or omissions in the course of his duties like any other citizen and should be liable to be brought before the Law (particularly when the Dept. – senior Executives in hierarchy do not take action; alternately this work can also be allotted to system by a suitable program) i.e. Court. This is not possible at present because of a Section in every Act of Law that protects and gives immunity from Law unless malafide intentions are established. This Section should be deleted from every Act of Law. At present Govt. Executive and citizen of India are NOT equal before LAW. The Law was designed and defined by British Empire to Rule Subjects of India and if we have really achieved Independence then this and perhaps many other Sections need deletion and/or modification. 6. Annual increment, accelerated increment, transfer, promotion, demotion, suspension, termination policy should be defined in the program and executed by program – no interference or modification in policy, once approved and set, can and should be done without documented reasons for such alteration by a committee of three “Shaskiy Sevak”. 7. System of entry and exit of the employees and visitors should be similar/ same as practiced in I.T. Companies. i.e. Office must have only one entry/ exit way. This should be manned by security Dept. And also covered by a CCTV camera recording entry/exit of every employee as well as visitor. Entry/exit door lock should be opened by a switch from desk of security personnel manning the gate. Visitors must fill up a form giving his/her name, Aadhar card no., executive to meet and purpose of meeting. On verification and Recording by CCTV the visitor is allowed to enter the office and then door is promptly closed from desk of security on duty at door or automatically closed by sensing that one person has entered. A record of visitors is also maintained in a register kept for the purpose and duly signed by the visitor. The door shall be kept open for employees to enter from 10 minutes before start of office time to 10 minutes after start of office time. Similarly it will be open for employees to leave from end of office time to 10 minutes after end of office time. 8. The system will show at any point of time no. of employees as well as visitors inside the office. Security desk has to ensure that after 10 minutes from the end of working day there is no person inside the office. 9. To facilitate differentiating between employees and visitors, employees must wear uniform as per dress code prescribed. Office/Govt. shall provide specified cloth for two uniform dresses and stitching charges to each employee every two years. Each employee shall also be given reasonable washing charges every month proportionate to his/her attendance. It will be compulsory to have the office uniform on employee while entering and leaving office premises. Employees are also given a badge/ name plate to be placed on dress while in the office premises. It is the duty of security to allow/block employees with/without uniform or badge in place. 10. Every Office must have its own Intercom telephone system and each table MUST have intercom Telephone so that requirement of movement of executives is reduced to minimum/ eliminated. 11. There should be a manned exchange for communication with outside Telephone networks and all outside calls are routed through the man at exchange Desk. In case of any emergency message for any employee, this man will convey the message received to the concerned employee at his desk. The Office PBX should have sufficient lines for communication with external network, depending on no. of employees on roll of the office and nature of work handled by the Office. Exception may be done in respect of Top Boss of the office who may have confidential communication with his boss and for that only his telephone may have a separate land line no. directly communicating with external telephone lines/frequencies. This telephone will not have connectivity with internal telephone system. 12. Every office premise shall block all external frequencies of telecommunications within its premises. 13. A system of personal responsibility of executive manning each position MUST be drawn up to enable the Program to take suitable (defined) action on each employee in case of irresponsible act/omission. 14. Selection and recruitment of executives need complete revamping. At present primary criteria of selection are mainly certificates from Boards and/or Universities and Personal interview. This was suitable for British Rulers because (i) that allowed them to appoint anyone whom they considered as faithful to Rulers (by giving very high marks/credit in personal interview) and (ii) service/employment was purely at the pleasure of English Bosses and anyone could be discharged simply by word of mouth (almost like triple Talaq, but here saying it once was enough). Situation in (ii) above has changed – Now no employee and specially Govt. employee can be discharged without assigning specific charges and giving him/her opportunity to defend him/her self during the enquiry. This is alright. In case of (i) above the situation is different. Englishman did not differentiate between a Tamil and Punjabi or Gujrathi or Asami – he had no particular attachment to any of them. He would assess only if the person shall be faithful to him and his/her Majesties Rule and was selecting primarily on that basis. Now after 15-08-1947 Englishman has gone back to England and His/Her Majesty has been theoretically replaced by People/Citizens of India but practically Govt executives firmly think that His/Her Majesty has been actually replaced by Executive cadre only. There is no consideration or thought of Citizens of India (as Rulers of the Land) in their mind at all. Secondly now selection is done by Indian Citizen only – this is good. But we have bias of State/Region, cast and relatives and are tempted to favour someone on such basis and this is almost unavoidable. To overcome this bias and get right candidate for Indian Services who would be Ruler Centric i.e. Citizens of India Centric it is necessary to relook at the criteria and method of selection. Persons with ability and aptitude to serve only need to be identified and considered for other tests of selection. To identify such ability and aptitude candidate MUST submit a certificate from Sarpanch and two Panch from a Grampanchayat certifying that during period of two years (specifying period from a date to another date) tackled a problem of the village (confirmed by Panch committee of the Grampanchayat and recorded as such in the proceedings of the meeting) and solved (fully or partly) it. The candidate has to record his chronological detailed procedure adopted in solving the problem along with his experience of interaction with villagers as well as Public Servants of various offices approached by him for the purpose. Such certificate is essential for the purpose of applying for senior positions filled though UPSC and State PSC. Other criteria may be graduation etc if necessary. But whatever high intelligence the candidate may have, if he has no empathy to locate public problems and desire & ability to solve those, such candidate is not to be allowed to compete for the position. As done in Armed Forces candidate is selected only if found good in all respects irrespective of vacancies. Positions can remain vacant for want of suitable candidates but no compromise in quality of selected candidate be permitted. Written test, if any, should be on line only and checked and marks allotted and merit list of all qualified candidates issued by system without any influence/interference by any human being. Psychological tests and physical tests also may be resorted to but all of those MUST be on line and assessed by system only (however physical/medical tests may need some compromise but it should be as little as possible.). ELECTION 1) All elections from Panchayat to Parliament should be done simultaneously at the same time. 2) Voting should be done on line. 3) Voting should be open for two weeks defining last date and time for voting. 4) Revision of vote should be allowed every six months i.e. call back should be possible. i.e. after a period of 6,12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 , or 54 months of main election if it is found that sitting Gram panchayat Member to M.P. has less votes than any other contestant, existing member shall be unseated by one who has highest existing votes. 5) In effect people’s representative in any set up (from Gam Panchayat to Parliament) has to demonstrate activity/results to hold on to people’s mandate. People have the right to call back elected person if they think that he is not performing to their expectations by reassigning their votes. 6) Every Party must submit its proposed program (if voted to power) (at least six weeks before expiry of term of current members) and its half yearly time schedule showing six monthly milestones to be reached/achieved to Election Commission and people of India, so that they can give six monthly achievement (or otherwise) Report to People of India in a format majority can compare and understand. RYK more  
Sir, Eradication of corruption and of poverty is a very tried and tested gimmick by politicians. And we fall for this falls promise time and again. 'Corruption' covers a vast incalculable field. It is in our psych and we use it without realising it that we do it to make things happen according to our desires. We do not even spare our God by offering Him/Her material wealth which is actually His/Her blessing to us. What hypocrisy! Don't we promise our little ones a gift if he/she does something we desire form them? Like getting 90% and more marks in exams etc.? The remedy lies with us. Naa lo ,naa doe. more  
Corruption persists because we condone it. When political leaders are corrupt the society is bound to be corrupt. The problem is people condone the corruption of the party and leaders they support, while they should be speaking up and reporting it! If one person shows the way, others will follow and the political masters will get a message and improve. If you accept it you will have to live with it. Whether its Congress or BJP no one is going to remove it , only you, if you act! more  
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