Corruption in Rural India - Root Causes

Below are the key issues as outlined by you in regards to Corruption in Rural India. Kindly review and share specific Root Causes for such corruption as well as any additional issues. We will then have a seperate discussion on solutions.

We look forward to your inputs!
Transparency International India

Corruption in Rural India - Key Issues

1. The sand mafia bribes the ruling party to do illegal mining
2. Bribes are taken to issue any government certificate/letter
3. There is major corruption in the regional transport office for getting driving licenses made
4. Kisaan Card is only available only after the person pays a set bribe to the banker
5. The school/college teaching staff pays a bribe to get the job
6. Teachers accept bribes from the students to give them good marks in the exams
7. Farmers have to bribe the middlemen to get their produce sold
8. The postman asks every house for some money every month otherwise he would not deliver their letters
9. Gas cylinders meant for the poor are sold to restaurants and hotels at a premium rate
10. One cannot get the land records until they pay a bribe. more  

View all 22 comments Below 22 comments
Police will not register the FIR without bribing them. Utility connection i.e. power, water, phone, etc will be given on priority only on payment of bribes. Everyone knows this but action will not be taken without bribing key persons. Even god needs to be paid something in return for fulfilment of your wishes. more  
U,S, Ojha,s comment is very appropriate. more  
Politicians in India,after janta rule,corrupted all zones remote/rural.etcSAND MAFIA very active in RAJASTHAN.PANCH /SARPANCH /etc all are openly taking bribe. RTO 'S are cesspool of corruption.CORRUPTION AND CORRUPTS HAVE NO CASTE/CREED/BREED discrimination more  
provide highways and pucca roads to connect every village to a big town, Electricity, agriultural inputs like seeds and organic fertilizers, financing by rural banks and commercial banks at low interest rates, jobs in industries set up in rural areas and small towns before tackling corruption in rural India. more  
ग्रामीण भारत भी उसी भारत का हिस्सा है जिसके लोकतन्त्र के चारो स्तम्भ को भ्रस्टाचार रूपी दीमक चाट गए है फिर किस्से क्या उम्मीद - देश के सबसे बड़े मंदिर संसद मे जब आपराधिक चरित्र के लोग बैठेंगे -जब देश के सबसे पुराने और बड़े राजनीतिक दल के नेता देशविरोधी ताकतों के सरपरस्त बनेगे -जब गाओन के आम आदमी यह देखता है की वह जिसके पास कल तक साइकिल नहीं थी विधायक या सांसद या सभासद का चुनाव जीतते ही 18 लाख की गाड़ी पर चलता है तो उस से ईमानदार रहने की अपेच्छा क्यूँ ? भ्रस्टाचार ऊपर से नीचे को आता है तो यदि गाओं को भ्रस्टाचार मुक्त बनाना है तो पहले संसद को अपराधी मुक्त बनाओ more  
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