Fruit and Vegetable Purifiers

Can circle members who know about/experienced fruit/vegetable purifiers please share how safe are these purifiers. I have heard that the ozone in them not only deactivates the pesticides and bacteria present on edibles rather it is dangerous for humans, too. It can harm your body in many ways. Ozone can lead to lung diseases, heart problems and even death.

Would greatly appreciate any insight. Also is one company's purifier safer than the other? more  

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KMNO4 cleaning is a good idea.Again our rivers are polluted,similarly many a drains are used for watering vegetables etc,these drains contain lot of chemicals.We have to make our rivers free from chemicals,i.e. discharge has to be treated.That way we are living on a Bomb of dieses. more  
Dear Ms KAUR, Here are some materials on ozone purifiersOzonated water can oxidize pesticides on vegetables. The time it takes for a significant reduction however depends on how it is applied, the temperature of the water, on how easy the chemical is oxidized as well as on the produce itself. For example vegetables with a waxy layer will take more time to be “cleaned”. So if all the parameters are correct you can indeed use this method effectively. . the ozone emitted by these home devices is infused into the water where the fruits and vegetables are placed. The ozone being a very powerful oxidizing agent may destroy bacteria and the pesticides on the surface of the fruits and vegetables by its oxidizing-reduction action. What I am worried is the leaks of ozone which is triple oxygen molecule (O3) into the air when the machine is in use. Ozone from its molecular structure is highly unstable and chemically very reactive as it breaks down into the much more stable oxygen (O2). The highly reactive singlet oxygen (O+) which is also liberated is a very powerful and damaging free radical to the lungs and body when inhaled. In short, ozone is highly toxic, probably more damaging to health than the trace amounts of pesticides in the food, fruits and vegetables it is trying to clean up. What they don’t tell you: The manufacturers of these home machines do not tell you this of course. They only tell you that their ozone sterilizers remove germs and pesticides. In some ways this may be true. But you need to ask a lot more questions than this. Some manufacturers also tell you that any ozone that leaks into the air from these machines remains reactive for only 15 minutes and is only in a small amount of 1-2 parts per million. This amount although small, but when inhaled for long periods of time can cause throat and lung irritation when such a machine is used often. ozone does break down fairly quickly to ordinary oxygen. But that not the point. It is the safety concern of frequent t inhalation of ozone from these machines when used everyday. Why can’t health freaks and health extremists who go all out to use ozone to sterilize foods use ordinary running water from the tap to do the job much more efficiently? Water is always the best media for cleaning anything – anything at all. Over time, with the help of light, bacteria, and air, water can even remove even oil and stain, let alone mere traces of pesticide residues. Even without water pesticides will finally bio-degenerate on its own. more  
My grandmother, a qualified medical doctor by profession, used to dip vegetables and fruit in bucketful of clean tap water mixed with Lal dawai (Potassium per magnate - KMnO4) for some time. She used it after rinsing the stuff after washing again with clean water to dispose off the residue of the Lal dawai. This can be tried to kill the bacteria and insects in the stuff. The Lal Dawai is not harmful, even if it is consumed in small quantities. It was constant practice to keep well water clean with this medicine every few weeks. Secondly, it is very important that the sources of the fruit and vegetables are good and safe. This can be identified from the look and presentation of the stuff. Most vegetables grown in and around big cities are irrigated with drain waters or with water from rivers full of drain water (e.g. Yamuna Hindon in and around Delhi). Since the toxic matter goes in every bit of vegetable, it will be impossible to get rid of dirty stuff with any means. It is all the more true in case of sags and leafy vegetables. Do not fall in the trap of cheap vegetables. It is always good and safe to have a good trustworthy source/seller. He may give the stuff at little higher cost, but he will try to get the best stuff from the wholesale mandi. Of course best would be to grow your own vegetables, if you have time energy and space. Trace garden is a good idea and some people have even grown fruits on the roof top. more  
In US all vegetables other than organic ones with Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar. more  
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