How to contain corruption

Dear Members-You have to agree that corruption at top has been contained and this is first time that GoI is not raised any allegation of corruption in last 56 months and certainly the credit goes to our Servant Leader Modi. But I agree that it is there at middle & lower level in public dealings and it is that still the cash is being paid for many transactions. Secondly, that base of corruption was built over a period of 67 years and it has been rooted as termite in to the soil of governance.Hence, to eradicate corruption needs some more efforts though many steps have been initiated & many are underway and we all know about it.But some more candid steps are required and I am sure they shall implemented the moment again the decisive mandate comes and Modi leads. Let me tell you that if decisive mandate is not there than even Modi will not be able to do much. Though in my personal capacity & wisdom I am sure he shall be back with majority and carry on this pursuit of Fight to Finish against Corruption, Black Money and Benami. more  

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We must look at practical life and mass corruption at lower levels which affects masses more and come up with solutions for those stages first, while keep covering higher levels too-- 1. One major solution is digitisation of all applications with govt departments, and reduce human interface to minimal, which will make things easier for common man 2. Make all government accountable for each acts, and in the event of non performance or wrong approvals, the officers must be accountable always 3. Remove all VIP culture, where all are treated at par, and remove all security covers to most people mainly all past ministers and politicians except where it is must, which will make all common citizens and face same situation and wrong patronage will go away. 4. All civil servants must be made to file Assets statement of self and whole family, every 3 years minimum and these statements analysed regularly. Lets bring message through our schools for younger generation to learn better life too and find ways as per suggestions JAGO BHARAT JAGO more  
Some corrections or clarifications Mr.Sudhir Ghylan is requested to make. 1.Corruption in India has not been for past 67 years but times immemorial. How did the invaders and rulers just numbering a couple of hundreds or a few thousands set a base in such a vast India. History is full of factual statements how the Muslim, British and even Monarchs bribed Indians to keep their rule and tyranny intact. 2.In free India it became a free for all as the voters needed favours and politicians votes. There has been no change in practice and continues till date.The politicians have designed the election processes to suit them. Who is not aware of the malpractices indulged in to grab votes but even this Govt. hasnt dared to enforce any fresh electoral reforms because that is neither to their liking nor can it ensure them Power. Window dressing supported by Jumlas doesnt help. if you are really keen to ensure minimise corruption in India we must start with major ELECTORAL REFORMS which will send shivers through the governance of the day.It is not that politicians in governance only have a right to be corrupt.Please draft a petition to the President of India. REJECT CORRUPTION AND THE CORRUPT. more  
Even most of CBI Directors are highly corrupt. more  
There is no dearth of good intellectual learned people in India ,when I say India I mean Bharat but it seems that in Parliament the elected MP have their own definition of Bharat and when it comes to choosing right people in right place they select people from North India only as for them Bharat means India confined to Hindi belt only this should be flushed out of the rectum of people elected by means of vote to become neta,as to become Neta ,for last 72 years they took it as becoming Maharaja overnight after wining election as each one has to dole out huge money to first buy the party ticket and then to hier goons and other mischivious means to win in election so once the guy wins he has no mercy for his or her constituency as he or she feels that they won the hard way after gambling with their money.It is for the first time in Indian political history that a elected PM like Mr Modi openly says that he is a chowkidari of the nation and not a sick Maharaja which people elected for last 72 years.Indira Gandhi brok the barrier of Bharat and chooses a most able advisor named Pranab Mukherjee who was purely from Bengal and any Jhumritalaiya state of North India ,as the saying goes - be among the good people you stay good be amazing the goons you become a goon. God bless the Lady was under influence of a good man and it's none other than Modi who rewarded Pranab da with Bharat Ratna. Same way Modi too can choose advisor from any part of India - North,South,East,West the advisor who love their mother land and do not infuse brain with family politics ,relative politics etc etc Now look at Congress spokes Man Kharge in Parliament - The man is loaded with trillion dollor wealth not only him but his far off relatives all loaded with wealth and he represent SC&ST in Parliament and is a Congress Gladiator in Parliament . Funniest is the Media ,the filth of a newspaper I read called Times of India and other room nent newspaper and the Garbage news channels in India making mountain out of mole hill and literally asking Indian citizen can Modi survive Priyanka and Rahul combined ,the two sibling who have never been CM or a Cabinet Minister but had a accidental PM dancing to their instruction for ten long years .Modi - Five time CM of most prosperous state ,niped in bud terrorism and Islamic chaliphet sentiment in 2002 when Saddam Hussain was at his peak and every medrasa educated Muslim belived that he will conquer USA with his Scud missiles .Lucky for all 29 States and 7 Union territory that fanatic antics took place in Ghodra by burning a train full of pilgrimes and Modi happened to be the CM ,now was it preplaned by some politicians to dislodge Modi when Muslim sentiments went high with Saddam Hussain daily speech and which where highlighted in details in Urdhu daily .This needs to be investigated .Modi did well in international front but misrabaly failed in Domestic front .Loosing in three Hindi belt in one go is shear insult when we see these BJP people harping on Hindi Language. None Hindi speaking people or the people who have their own mother tongue and are very proud of their language and culture should in no way be ordered to through or dump their mother in dustbin - example Bangladesh ,which every Jhumritalaiya guy should know about and the funniest part of it all is - civilization of Bharat starts from satya Yuga ,Today it's kalyuga ,In satya Yuga Lord RAM and Lord Krishna had no problem with diverse Indian language and culture then why are the Barbarians turned intellectuals insist that all should speak and write in Hindi just like in China,Franc,UK,Russia etc where as there are many nation whoes official language is Spanish but they are not part of Spain. May be when we have banan Republic in Indian subcontinent this language issue will solve once for all.BJP should be clear in language to set foot hold in South India as revolution starts from village. For next 500 years till such time every Indian learn to do nature's call in commode and not in PAN ,English language should be must for all Indians pluse they can migrate to other countries the way Chinese are migrating to other country . Last but not the least I would like to repeat again that men in Govt and in power should not hesitate to take advise from learned Indians if not from learned Isrealis,South Korean,Japan,Taiwan,Singapore as to how to weed out courrption from the country once for all .Implimen lok pal bill and just put all into it just all all means all so that law takes action in prescribed time of three month maximum.Robert Vadra should have been in Jail,Ambanis indulging in insider trading should have been in Jail,West Bengal all poor people who put their saving in chit fund should by now would have got their money back and all culprits in jail. It's time the country stops playing ludo and chess with criminals and only people with no criminal record should stand in 2019 General Election .This should be Hounarable President of India directive to election commision of India. more  
For common man what are the areas he or she can not do his job without bribing? To me it is Registration office, RTO and police. All the three rest with the individual state Govt. I am yet to hear that in these areas there is no corruption in the state governments even ruled by BJP for more than five years. Unless parties stop accept party funds in cash you can not expect from any party steps taken to curb corruption. Multi party system is the main breed for corruption Which national party have the guts to make two party system as a law. Non corrupt Govt. is a mirage. more  
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